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The Brood War Tilesets - Brood War will contain three new Tilesets for three new worlds. Each has it's own distinct environment and feel, complete with new critters to add to the gaming experience.

The Blasted Lands of Korhal
Dry, parched, and barren this tattered world is mostly desert now.

The Frozen Wastelands of Braxis
A bitterly cold world always encrusted with snow and ice.

Twilight Worlds of the Dark Templar
Abandoning Aiur, the Protoss hope to rebuild on Shakuras, the ever dark, ancient
homeworld of the Dark Templar's.

Examples of Mini Maps


These tilesets were made by tender fury, please do not copy or use them without written permission. Sources for screen shots these tilesets were made from include Blizzard, OGR and Gamers Extreme. As always Brood War is the property of Blizz and protected by copyright.