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Cast by: Medic
The Medic can heal any damaged biological ground unit. (allies included) She will automatically move to heal any damaged units within her range, unless you instruct otherwise. A Medic can only heal one unit at a time, adding more medics will not increase heal time. Medics can heal Stimpack damage. They cannot heal units inside Bunkers or Dropships, you must remove them first. Biological units Medics can heal include the Terran Marine, Firebat, Medic, Ghost, Protoss Zealot, Dark Templar, High Templar and all Zerg ground units (not buildings).
Researched at: N/A   Casting cost: 1 for every 2 HP healed   Range: 2

Cast by: Medic
The Medic can cast Restoration on all friendly units to remove harmful and damaging effects such as Lockdown, Blindness, Irradiate, Acid Spores, Plague, Ensnare, Parasites, etc. Restoration is not an area effect, you must target each unit individually. Restoration does not affect Stasis Field, Defensive Matrix or Mind Control.
Researched at: Academy   100 100   Casting cost: 50   Range: 6

Optic Flare
Cast by: Medic
The only defensive means of the Medic is the A-13 Flash Grenade Launcher. Originally designed to provide light on the battlefield, the Optic Flare has the nasty side effect of rendering units blind. Optic Flare affects both air and ground units, permanently reducing the sight of the targeted unit to 1 matrix and removing the units detection abilities (unless restored by a Medic). A "Blinded" tag will show in the affected units information box when selected. Blinded units can still attack at their normal range if they have another unit to spot for them.
Researched at: Academy   100 100   Casting cost: 75   Range: 9

Caduceus Reactor
Upgrade for: Medic
The Caduceus Reactor upgrade increases the Medics maximum energy level from 200 to 250. This upgrade comes in useful when using the Medics many special abilities.
Researched at: Academy   150 150

Charon Boosters
Upgrade for: Goliath
This valuable new upgrade adds +3 to the Goliath's Hellfire missile range (increasing it to 8), greatly adding to it's anti-air defense capabilities, allowing it to reach targets never before possible.
Researched at: Machine Shop   150 150


Summon Dark Archon
Cast by: Dark Templars
Like High Templars, two Dark Templars can merge together to form the powerful Dark Archon. Cast by group selecting two Dark Templars and selecting the Summon Dark Archon ability. During the transormation, Dark Templars have no attack and are completely vulnerable. Forming a Dark Archon is permanent and cannot be reversed. The Dark Archon retains none of the Dark Templar abilities, including Cloak.
Researched at: N/A   Casting cost: N/A   Range: N/A

Cast by: Dark Archon
Feedback causes the targeted unit to lose all of its current energy points, and will inflict hit point damage equal to the amount of energy points lost. Example: If he has 50 points of energy when you cast Feedback on him, he'll lose the 50 energy points plus take 50 hit points of damage. Feedback does not affect Protoss shields, they take the damage directly off the hit points. Units that can be affected by Feedback are the Terran Medic, Ghost, Wraith, Science Vessel, Battlecruiser, Protoss High Templar, other Dark Archons, Arbiter, Corsair, Zerg Queen and Defiler.
Researched at: N/A   Casting cost: 50   Range: 10

Mind Control
Cast by: Dark Archon
Mind Control can be cast on any unit in the game and the targeted unit will immediately switch sides and change to your color. The MC'd unit retains it's researched technologies/abilities but not the weapon, armor and shield upgrades. Mind Control is a permanent effect, only another Dark Archon casting MC on it can transfer ownership again. Casting Mind Control costs 150 energy plus drains all of the Dark Archons shields, leaving him in a vulnerable state. MC cannot be cast on Interceptors, Scarabs, Spider Mines, Larva or units inside a Stasis Field. Hear the Mind Control Sound. For more info read the Mind Control FAQ
Researched at: Templar Archives   200 200   Casting cost: 150   Range: 8

Cast by: Dark Archon
Maelstrom is an area effect spell that stuns any biological units within a 3 matrix radius. Units in the affected area are unable to move, attack or use special abilities for 12 seconds. Maelstrom can affect your units also, so target carefully. Maelstrom will reveal cloaked units, but not burrowed units. Biological units include the Terran Marine, Firebat, Medic, Ghost, Protoss Zealot, Dark Templar, High Templar and all Zerg units (not buildings).
Researched at: Templar Archives   100 100   Casting cost: 100   Range: 10

Disruption Web
Cast by: Corsair
Disruption Web settles on the ground and disables the attacks of all ground units and structures caught in the webs area. Keep in mind, mobile units can simply move out of the field and fire so this will be most effective on stationary targets such as Bunkers, Missile Turrets and Photon Cannons. It has no affect on Air Units. Disruption Web affects friendly units as well as enemy, so stay out of the affected area and used ranged attacks to attack units inside the affected area.
Researched at: Fleet Beacon   200 200   Casting cost: 125   Range: 9


Lurker Aspect
Cast by: Hydralisk
Researching Lurker Aspect gives the Hydralisk the special ability to morph into a Lurker. During the evolutionary process the Hydralisk is vulnerable to attack, can cancel morphing and revert back to a Hydralisk. Once the Lurker has emerged the change is permanent. Lurkers can only attack while burrowed.
Researched at: Hydralisk Den   125 125   Casting cost: N/A   Range: N/A

Devourer Aspect
Cast by: Mutalisk
Researching Devourer Aspect gives the Mutalisk the special ability to morph into a Devourer. During the evolutionary process the Mutalisk is vulnerable to attack, can cancel morphing and revert back to a Mutalisk. Once the Devourer has emerged the change is permanent.
Researched at: Greater Spire   150 50   Casting cost: N/A   Range: N/A

Anabolic Synthesis
Upgrade for: Ultralisk
This upgrade alters the glands that produce endorphins and adrenal fluids. The result is increased reflexes and faster movement for the Ultralisk.
Researched at: Ultralisk Cavern   200 200

Chitinous Plating
Upgrade for: Ultralisk
This evolutionary mutation endows the Ultralisk with a hardened exoskeletal shell, increasing it's already substantial natural defenses by +2 Armor Class. The Chitinous Plating upgrade is in addition to and on top of the Ultralisk Carapace upgrade (+3), giving the Ultralisk the ability to increase it's total armor by +5.
Researched at: Ultralisk Cavern   150 150


Please do not use the graphics or .wav's on this page without written permission. Thanks to Gargantua for the Mind Control Sound ! Sources for info include Blizzard, Blizz Employees Pat N. and Rob Pardo (aka EnoYls), Calbear of Gamers Extreme/SC Extreme, Chris Jensen of OGR, Greg Kasavin and Elliot Chin of GameSpot, Starcraft Battlezone, forums, Jeremy Dunn and Maltski's post at Shafes. Brood War is the copyrighted property of Blizzard.