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Mind Control FAQ

This information is for non team games.

When you Mind Control a unit, does that unit retain its original color, or does it change to your color?
It changes to your player color.

If I MC a terran SCV, can he repair my units/buildings?
SCVs can only repair other terran mechanical units that you've Mind Controled. The same goes for medics.

If I Mind Control an enemy worker, will I get to build all of his buildings and units?
Yes, but you must follow the tech tree. The time and resources involved in this makes it rather prohibitive.

What if I MC an enemy unit which has already researched an upgrade/special ability?MC cast on a BattleCruiser
You receive all technologies that the unit possesses with the exception of shield, armor and attack upgrades. For example, if you Mind Control an Arbiter that has Recall researched, then all of your Arbiters may now use that ability. If you MC a Battlecruiser with the Yamato Gun researched, you have the ability to use the Yamato Gun.

Can the Dark Archon Mind Control multiple units?
Yes. If a Dark Archon uses Mind Control on an enemy Ghost, it can wait until its energy recharges and then use Mind Control on an enemy Battlecruiser while retaining control of that Ghost.

If I MC a zergling, can I burrow with it?
No, Burrow is an upgrade.

Can I cast MC on a burrowed unit? Can I burrow with it?
If you cast mind control on a zerg unit that is burrowed, it pops up and you cannot burrow it again.

Does the Zerg player lose supply if you Mind Control his Overlord?

Are there any units that cannot be affected by Mind Control?
You cannot cast Mind Control on Spider Mines, Scarabs, Interceptors or Larva.

What happens when you Mind Control a transport?
You would gain control of the Transport and all units inside.

Does the Dark Archon need full shields to use Mind Control?
No, but the ability does drain all the shield points away that the Dark Archon currently has.

Will units taken over through Mind Control maintain their knowledge of the game map?
The Mind Controlled unit will not reveal new areas of the game map that the new owner does not already know.

If I use a Dark Archon to mind control an enemy unit, and later the Dark Archon dies, do I lose control of the enemy unit?
No. If you lose that Dark Archon, you will not lose control of that unit. The MC'd unit is yours until it dies, or another enemy Dark Archon uses mind control on it.

How does a Mind Controlled Unit affect my supply limit?
Mind Controlled units do not affect your Psi limit. If you are at your max limit, you can still cast MC on another unit.

If I use Mind Control on a Carrier with 8 Interceptors, but my Carriers only have the ability to carry 4 Interceptors, will I now be able build 4 more Interceptors in each Carrier?
Yes, you will receive the additional Carrier Capacity upgrade for all of your Carriers.

What happens if you Mind Control a Reaver while it has Scarabs building in its queue?
The queued Scarabs are cancelled and the amount of resources spent are refunded to the previous owner.

What happens if you Mind Control an SCV while he is building something?
The SCV will immediately stop constructing the building and start to attack the partially completed building. Note that the owner of the partially completed building may still cancel it or complete it with his/her own SCVs.

If you mind control a Terran Ghost, are you be able to use any Nukes the original owner has in his/her Nuclear Silos?
No. Only the Ghost is Mind Controlled, not the Nuclear Silos.

What happens if you Mind Control a Ghost while he is dropping a Nuke?
If the Nuke is already in final descent (the Ghost is not targeting), then the missile will hit its target. If the Ghost is still in his targeting stance, the player who now controls the Ghost may cancel the Nuke or let it drop at his/her discretion.

Here's what Mind Control looked like in the SC Beta.

Here's what Mind Control looks like now.

Click to hear Mind Control.


Please do not use these graphics without written permission. Some I made myself and some Gargantua of Garg's Back was kind enough to let me use. Sources for this FAQ were Shadow and Slev of SC.Org and Blizzard's BW FAQ. Brood War is the copyrighted property of Blizzard.