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The Protoss are an ancient, highly intelligent and powerful race with advanced technology and great Psionic powers. They follow the Khala, (the "Path of Ascension"), a strict religious, philosophical, and social structure. All The Protoss share a psychic connection with each other and their home world, Aiur. Protoss units can be biological or robitic in nature and all units posess Plasma Shielding that take the initial damage from attacks. Shielding regenerates over time or can be instantly recharged through Shield Batteries. Units that are spell casters replenish their energy stores over time. Yellow letters denote Production Hot Keys and red denotes Brood War units.

Ground Units

Requires: Nexus  Produced at: Nexus
Probes harvest the minerals and Vespene Gas and deposit it at the Nexus. They also lay the warp-beacons that enable Buildings to teleport from Aiur. Once the beacon is layed, the Probe can move on to immediately lay another, greatly increasing build time.
Upgrades: Ground Armor, Plasma Shields
Researched at: Forge

Cost: 50 1
Hit Points: 20
Shields: 20 (Upg +3)
Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 5
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 1
Sight: 8
Size: Small
Transport Slots: 1
Requires: Nexus  Produced at: Gateway
The Zealots initially high hitpoints/shields and attack damage, coupled with their available upgrades make them the backbone of the Protoss ground forces. Mix with Dragoons for anti-air defense.
Upgrades: Ground Armor, Ground Weapons, Plasma Shields and Leg Enhancements (faster movement).
Researched at: Forge and Citadel of Adun

Cost: 100 2
Hit Points: 80
Shields: 80 (Upg +3)
Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 16 (Upg +6)
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 1
Sight: 7
Size: Small
Transport Slots: 2
Requires: Gateway, Cybernetics Core  Produced at: Gateway
Dragoons are one of the few ground units to have both air and ground attack. Use them in support roles or as mobile anti-air defense units.
Upgrades: Ground Armor, Ground Weapons, Plasma Shields and Singularity Charge (increased range)
Researched at: Forge and Cybernetics Core

Cost: 125 50 2
Hit Points: 100
Shields: 80 (Upg +3)
Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 20e (Upg +6)
Air Attack: 20e
Range: 4 (Upg +2)
Sight: 8
Size: Large
Transport Slots: 4
High Templar
Requires: Gateway, Templar Archives  Produced at: Gateway
Templars are slow, weak and have no physical attack, but their strength lies in their spell casting abilties. Mix them with other units for protection. By using the Archon Warp, two High Templars can merge to form a completely new unit, the Archon.
Upgrades: Ground Armor, Plasma Shields and Khaydarin Amulet (+50 energy).
Special Abilities: Archon Warp, Psionic Storm, and Hallucination
Researched at: Forge and Templar Archives

Cost: 50 150 2
Hit Points: 40
Shields: 40 (Upg +3)
Energy: 200 (Upg +50)
Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: N/A
Range: N/A
Sight: 7
Size: Small
Transport Slots: 2
Dark Templar
Requires: Gateway, Templar Archives  Produced at: Gateway
Dark Templars were banished from Aiur and differ from High Templars. Dark Templars have ground attack capabilities and remain permanently cloaked. This makes them a valuable asset. Two Dark Templars can merge to form a Dark Archon.
Upgrades: Ground Armor, Ground Weapons and Plasma Shields. Special Abilities: Dark Archon Meld
Researched at: Forge

Cost: 125 100 2
Hit Points: 80
Shields: 40 (Upg +3)
Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 40 (Upg +9)
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 1
Sight: 7
Size: Small
Transport Slots: 2
Requires: Robotics Facility, Robotics Support Bay  Produced at: Robotics Facility
The Reavers have ground attack only. Scarabs are the Reavers ammo and must be manufactured inside the Reaver (15 minerals each), and must be replaced as you use them. Reavers are slow, use Shuttles or Arbiter's Recall to move them quickly.
Upgrades: Ground Armor, Plasma Shields, Scarab Damage (+25), and Increase Reaver Capacity (+5 max Scarab)
Researched at: Forge and Robotics Support Bay

Cost: 200 100 4
Hit Points: 100
Shields: 80 (Upg +3)
Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 100s (Upg +25)
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 8
Sight: 10
Size: Large
Transport Slots: 4
Requires: 2 High Templar   Produced with: Summon Archon
Archons are formed when 2 High Templars merge. They have hefty ground and air attacks. Archons hover, will not set off Spider Mines, and are immune to many Special Abilities. Their weakness is their 10 hp. Keep the shields charged.
Upgrades: Ground Armor, Ground Weapons and Plasma Shields
Researched at: Forge

Cost: N/A  4
Hit Points: 10
Shields: 350 (Upg +3)
Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 30s (Upg +9)
Air Attack: 30s
Range: 2
Sight: 8
Size: Large
Transport Slots: 4
Dark Archon
Requires: 2 Dark Templar   Produced with: Summon Dark Archon
Dark Archons are formed when 2 Dark Templars merge. They have no physical attack but their spell casting abilities can be devastating. They have only 25 hp so keep their shields charged.
Upgrades: Ground Armor, Plasma Shields and Argus Talisman (+50 energy). Special Abilities: Mind Control, Feedback and Maelstrom.
Researched at: Forge and Templar Archives

Cost: N/A  4
Hit Points: 25
Shields: 200 (Upg +3)
Energy: 200 (Upg +50)
Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: N/A
Range: N/A
Sight: 10
Size: Large
Transport Slots: 4

Air Units

Requires: Robotics Facility  Produced at: Robotics Facility
Shuttles have no attack capabilities and are used to transport ground troops. Each shuttle has eight transport slots. Use Shuttles to protect High Templars and Dark Archons while their energy rebuilds or Reavers while producing Scarabs.
Upgrades: Air Armor, Plasma Shields and Gravatic Drive (faster movement)
Researched at: Cybernetics Core, Forge, Robotics Support Bay

Cost: 200 2
Hit Points: 80
Shields: 60 (Upg +3)
Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: N/A
Range: N/A
Sight: 8
Size: Large
Requires: Robotics Facility, Observatory  Produced at: Robotics Facility
Observers have the ability to detect cloaked/burrowed units. They have no attack of their own but their permanent cloaking ability makes them stealth spies and excellent support for attack forces.
Upgrades: Air Armor, Plasma Shields, Sensor Array (+2 sight range) and Gravatic Booster (faster movement)
Researched at: Cybernetics Core, Forge and Observatory

Cost: 25 75 1
Hit Points: 40
Shields: 20 (Upg +3)
Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: N/A
Range: N/A
Sight: 9 (Upg +2)
Size: Small
Requires: Stargate  Produced at: Stargate
Scouts are versatile,fast and have both ground and air attack capablilities. They can be devastating in large groups. Due to their cost and build time, use of Shield Batteries becomes important.
Upgrades: Air Armor, Air Weapons, Plasma Shields, Apial Sensors (+2 sight range) and Gravatic Thrusters (faster movement)
Researched at: Cybernetics Core, Forge and Fleet Beacon

Cost: 300 150 3
Hit Points: 150
Shields: 100 (Upg +3)
Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 8 (Upg +3)
Air Attack: 28e (Upg +6)
Range: 4 (Upg +3)
Sight: 8 (Upg +2)
Size: Large
Requires: Stargate, Fleet Beacon  Produced at: Stargate
Carriers have both air and ground attack capabilites. Their weapons are Interceptors, small robotic fighters produced inside the Carrier. Interceptors automatically deploy and attack enmass wreaking havoc with ememy forces. Replace destroyed Interceptors and keep at maximum capacity (4, 8 w/upgrade).
Upgrades: Air Armor, Air Weapons, Plasma Shields, Carrier Capacity (+4 max Interceptors)
Researched at: Cybernetics Core, Forge and Fleet Beacon

Cost: 350 250 8
Hit Points: 300
Shields: 150 (Upg +3)
Armor: 4 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 6 (Upg +3)
Air Attack: 6 (Upg +3)
Range: 8
Sight: 11
Size: Large
Requires: Stargate, Arbiter Tribunal  Produced at: Stargate
Arbiters have both ground and air attack and make excellent support units. They have the natural ability to cloak nearby units although they remain visible themselves. Arbiters can teleport units to their location and temporarily disable enemy units.
Upgrades: Air Armor, Air Weapons, Plasma Shields, Khaydarin Core (+50 energy) Special Abilities: Recall and Stasis Field.
Researched at: Cybernetics Core, Forge and Arbiter Tribunal

Cost: 100 350 4
Hit Points: 200
Shields: 150 (Upg +3)
Energy: 200 (Upg +50)
Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 10e (Upg +3)
Air Attack: 10e (Upg +6)
Range: 5
Sight: 9
Size: Large
Transport Slots: 0
Requires: Stargate  Produced at: Stargate
Corsairs are a quick and versatile unit with a rapid fire air attack. Their speed makes them useful for scouting and intercepting enemy troops. Distruption Web can disable the attack of ground units and structures caught within it's field.
Upgrades: Air Armor, Weapons, Plasma Shields, Argus Jewel. Special Ability: Disruption Web
Researched at: Cybernetics Core, Forge and Fleet Beacon

Cost: 150 100 2
Hit Points: 100
Shields: 80 (Upg +3)
Energy: 200 (Upg +50)
Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: 5es (Upg +3)
Range: 5
Sight: 9
Size: Medium


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