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The Zerg are a mysterious, predatory group of biological terrors. The only information available on them are from the remains of log entries and sensor records found in debris left in the swarm's destructive path. Areas the Zerg inhabit are covered with a dense carpet of Creep, a biological material used to sustain the Colony. Vespene gas is important for fueling their accelerated metabolisms. The greatest strengths of the Zerg lie in their ability to rapidly spawn different breeds from Larva and the ability to regenerate hit points and energy. All Zerg ground units (except the Ultralisk) have the ability to Burrow underground to avoid enemy detection. Although only the Lurker can attack while burrowed, all units continue to regenerate hit points and energy levels while underground. These combined abilities make the Zerg very resiliant and difficult to eradicate. Yellow letters denote Production Hot Keys and red denotes Brood War Upgrades and Units.

Ground Units

Larva s
Requires: Hatchery    Produced at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Most Zerg units are morphed (created) from Larva. Larva are continuosly produced at the Hatchery/Lair/Hive, one at a time, up to a maximum of three. Unlike other Zerg units, Larva require Creep to survive. Hitting the s key, from the Hatchery/Lair/Hive will select all Larva.
Upgrades: Ground Carapace
Researched at: Evolution Chamber

Cost: 0 0 0
Hit Points: 25
Base Armor: 10 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: N/A
Range: N/A
Sight: 4
Size: Small
Transport Slots: N/A
Requires: Hatchery    Produced at: Hatchery
Drones morph from larva and are responsible for harvesting minerals and Vespene. gas. Drones also contain genetic coding that allows them to later morph into the Zerg buildings.
Upgrades: Burrow and Ground Carapace
Researched at: Hatchery, Evolution Chamber

Cost: 50 0 1
Hit Points: 40
Base Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 5
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 1
Sight: 7
Size: Small
Transport Slots: 1
Requires: Spawning Pool    Produced at: Hatchery
Small, quick and savage, the Zergling serve well as scouts and initial assault/defense troops. A single Larva can spawn into two separate Zerglings, making attack packs fast and inexpensive to produce.
Upgrades: Burrow, Melee Attack, Ground Carapace, Metabolic Boost (increased speed) and Adrenal Glands (faster attack).
Researched at: Hatchery, Evolution Chamber, Spawning Pool

Cost: 25 0 0.5
Hit Points: 35
Base Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 5
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 1
Sight: 5
Size: Small
Transport Slots: 1
Requires: Hydralisk Den    Produced at: Hatchery
Hydralisks morph from Larva and are versatile killers having both air and ground attack capabilities. Hydralisks make an excellent support unit and their low production costs makes it easy to produce them in mass.
Upgrades: Burrow, Missile Attacks, Ground Carapace, Muscular Augments (faster movement) and Grooved Spines (increased attack range). Special Ability: Lurker Aspect (ability to morph to Lurkers)
Researched at: Hatchery, Evolution Chamber, Hydralisk Den

Cost: 75 25 1
Hit Points: 80
Base Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 10e
Air Attack: 10e
Range: 4 (Upg +1)
Sight: 6
Size: Medium
Transport Slots: 2
Requires: Hydralisk Den, Lair   Produced at: Morphs from Hydralisk
Lurkers mutate from Hydralisks, are defenseless above ground and can only attack using it's Subterranean Spines while burrowed. These deadly spikes rip through the ground in a straight line from the Lurker to the target, out to its maximum range. Every ground unit in it's path takes damage, allies included.
Upgrades: Burrow, Missile Attacks and Ground Carapace.
Researched at: Hatchery and Evolution Chamber

Cost: 125 125 2
Hit Points: 125
Base Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 20s
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 6
Sight: 8
Size: Medium
Transport Slots: 4
Requires: Defiler Mound, Hive   Produced at: Hive
Defilers morph from Larva and have no physical attack. Their strength lies in their spell casting abilities. Special Abilities include Consume (instantly restores +50 energy), Dark Swarm (temporary cloud shield from ranged attacks) and Plague (corrosive attack capable of up to 300 damage but never fatal).
Upgrades: Burrow, Ground Carapace, Metasynaptic Node ( +50 energy).
Researched at: Hatchery, Evolution Chamber, Defiler Mound.

Cost: 50 150 2
Hit Points: 80
Energy: 200 (Upg +50)
Base Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: N/A
Range: N/A
Sight: 10
Size: Medium
Transport Slots: 2
Requires: Ultralisk Cavern, Hive   Produced at: Hive
Ultralisks morph from Larva and are basically a living tank. With 400 hit points use them to draw fire away from your weaker units while dishing out serious damage of their own. Ultralisks are the only ground unit that can not Burrow.
Upgrades: Melee Attacks, Ground Carapace, Chitinous Plating (additional +2 to armor) and Anabolic Synthesis (faster movement).
Researched at:Evolution Chamber and Ultralisk Cavern.

Cost: 200 200 6
Hit Points: 400
Base Armor: 1(Upg +3, +2)
Ground Attack: 20
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 1
Sight: 7
Size: Large
Transport Slots: 4

Air Units

Requires: Hatchery   Produced at: Hatchery
Overlords are morphed from Larva, have no natural attack but provide several key funtions for the colony. They act as the transport/drop ship, have the ability to detect burrowed/cloaked units, and provide the Supply/Control slots necessary for base expansion. Adding the Ventral Sacs Upgrade is essential as it allows the Overlord to act as your Transport Ship.
Upgrades: Flyer Carapace, Ventral Sacs (adds tranport ability), Antennae (increased sight range) and Pneumatized Carapace (faster movement).
Researched at: Spire and Lair

Cost: 100 0 0
Hit Points: 200
Base Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: N/A
Range: N/A
Sight: 9 (Upg +2)
Size: Large
Requires: Spire, Lair   Produced at: Lair
Mutalisks morph from Larva, have both ground and air attack capabilities and in groups are one of the most feared Zerg units. Their quick speed makes them excellent for scouting and hit-and-run tactics.
Upgrades: Flyer Carapace and Flyer Attacks.
Special Abiliities
include Guardian Aspect (morphs into Guardian) and Devourer Aspect (morphs to Devourer).
Researched at: Greater Spire

Cost: 100 100 2
Hit Points: 120
Base Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 9
Air Attack: 9
Range: 3
Sight: 7
Size: Small
Requires: Spire, Lair   Produced at: Lair
Scourge spawn in pairs from Larva and are kamikaze in nature, selflessly sacraficing themselves by ramming enemy aircraft. Use them in pairs to avoid multiple Scourge aquiring the same target or use in combination with other air units. Their speed makes them useful for scouting runs and patrol.
Upgrades: Flyer Carapace.
Researched at: Spire

Cost: 12.5 37.5 0.5
Hit Points: 25
Base Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: 110
Range: 1
Sight: 5
Size: Small
Requires: Queen's Nest, Lair   Produced at: Lair
Queens morph from Larva and are a spell casting unit. Though they have no physical attack, their special abilities can be quite deadly.
Upgrades: Flyer Carapace and Gamete Meiosis ( +50 energy).
Special Abilities
include Infest Command Center, Parasite, Ensnare and Spawn Broodling.
Researched at: Queen's Nest and Spire

Cost: 100 150 2
Hit Points: 120
Energy: 200 (Upg +50)
Base Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: N/A
Range: N/A
Sight: 10
Size: Medium
Requires: Greater Spire, Hive   Produced at: Morphs from Mutalisk
Guardians mutate from a Mutalisk. This mutation gives them an increased armor and attack range, however they fly slower and lose their air attack capabilites. Guardians are useful for taking out Seige Tanks/Bunkers and Photon Cannons.
Upgrades: Flyer Carapace and Flyer Attack.
Researched at: Greater Spire

Cost: 50 100 2
Hit Points: 150
Base Armor: 2 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 20
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 8
Sight: 11
Size: Large
Requires: Greater Spire, Hive   Produced at: Morphs from Mutalisks
Devourers mutate from Mutalisks and have an explosive Acid Spore air attack that breaks down the genetic structure of enemy units. The spores do 25 damage, and in addition have a secondary effect. Spores that "splash off" from the direct impact and attach to enemy units will increase the cooldown time of the enemies weaponry by 1/8 of the original value AND the enemy unit will take an additional point of damage whenever it is attacked. A maximum of 9 spores can be attached.
Upgrades: Flyer Carapace and Flyer Attack
Researched at: Greater Spire

Cost: 150 50 2
Hit Points: 250
Base Armor: 2 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: 25e
Range: 6
Sight: 10
Size: Large

Queen Special Ability Units

Requires: Queen   Produced at: N/A
When a Queen uses the Spawn Broodling special ability, she injects an enemy unit with tiny eggs that rapidly metabolize into twin Broodlings. The "birth" of these Broodlings is fatal to the host. Though short-lived and weak, Broodlings are aggressive and will automatically attack nearby enemies. Only non-robotic ground units can be infected.
Upgrades: Melee Attacks and Ground Carapace
Researched at: Evolution Chamber

Cost: 0 0 0
Hit Points: 30
Energy: 180
Base Armor: 0
Ground Attack: 4
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 1
Sight: 5
Size: Small
Infested Terran
Requires: Infested Command Center   Produced at: Infested CC
The Queen can infest severely weakened Terran Command Centers with a parasitic bio-toxin. Once infested, the previous occupants mutate hideously and succumb to the will of the Overmind, turning into suicidal "bombs" that literally blow themselves up. Infested Terrans can burrow, and inflict up to 500 explosive splash damage to units and buildings.
Upgrades: Ground Carapace
Researched at: Evolution Chamber

Cost: 100 50 1
Hit Points: 60
Base Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 500es
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 1
Sight: 5
Size: Small


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