Lanquassia Main Page

5 December '03

Wiggy, I'm updating the site. If anyone it still paying attention, yes I do care about this. Some basic info, Neon Phoenix Entertainment sold its games to LampLighter Games in exchange for the control of Lamplighter Games. This did some internal shakeup, and somehow Verrian Empires managed to get worked on. The entire site has been redone.
Honestly, I havn't forgotten about this website! I'm just a lazy bum and I've got nothing to show for it. Hopefully I'll have some actual CONTENT, but for now...nothing.


Hello again. My site is updated again. Links page has been pruned, On Basilisk Station has been added to the Books section, NPE, my game company, will have its own website up soon. In the mean time, check out the World of Turim.


Bengaley: Let me see....*checks a list*!

*** Yet another Fox McCloud clone walks in ***

FoxClone: Okay, whats my part?

HenryT:  ........die!

*** A fireball hits the Fox McCloud clone, burning him to a crisp ***

Bengaley: ...You know, at the rate we're going, there is only going to be one or two Fox McCloud clones left....

Henry T: Your point being?

Bengaley: Whatever.


Henry T: Allright, allright, allright! We'll declare war on someone! 

Bengaley: But who?

CaptainCohen: *cough cough*

You: Nice to see some action in here.

Jack Blake: *yawn* So boring here, I think I'll go bcak to my sim.

Dodger: Prey would be good...

Samuel: *smiles his coot lil sharp carneyvore teeth*  Yup!

Me: --;

Lord of Light: Mwahahahahahahahhaha..hahahh.......ahahaha?


All: .......

Bengaley: Better. Now, where did you all come from?

Dodger: Henry's head.

HenryT: No, he means, why did you all show up here just now....

You: I sense a plot...horray!

Bengaley: One of these days, Alice! One of these days!

HenryT: We don't have an Alice...

CaptainCohen: Alice *cough* is my first name...

All: ....

Samuel: CC is female?

***Lo and behold, Captain Cohen is just an underdeveloped female with a low pitched voice!***

Captain Cohen: *cough* You didn't know? o.O

You: I >>KNEW<< there was something fishy about


Hey, the updates are getting quicker! I got my furrycode now...
I'm also looking for people to help me run the site...IE, I need help with content. Contact me at

I also need to get a new song.


Hmm...Lastertagness again. My finger hurt. Alot. Check out the new section for my Warhammer 40,000 Army!


Okay, so my inital drive failed to carry over, but hey, I did a major redo of my webpage in the process, right? RIGHT?

Anyhow, I'm off to Las Vegas, Circus Circus in paticular. Laser Tag and Buffets...ah, THATS the life.

I have a few games I need to review, CybterStorm 2 ((Cheats will be uploaded at the same time!)), Black and White ((As will the creature trainer for that.)), Master of Orion 2 ((And its cheats)), and stratagies for the almighty Civ III. Crimson Skies is going to be reviewed by friends. If you have a review of any game, commercial, public domain, or indipendant, mail it to !


In the Nerve Center of the Lanquassian WebPage, the main people are discussing the fate of the site...

Aldrian: So then this site will become a Military Base filled with Web Cruise Missles! BWHAHAHAHA!

Bengaley: ...............okay......anyone else have any ideas for the site?

Jack Blake: How about turning it into a center of culture on the web?

Aldrian: With Web Cruise Missles! BWHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!

Bengaley: ...Aldrian, for defence purposes, we will have at least 20 WCMs. However, you will not be in charge of them. Okay?

Aldrian: Aw....

JB: Why not just make it a city thingy?

Bengaley: Hmm...


CaptainCohen: *coughs* We are...we are..


Bengaley: Yo, I'm trying to revamp my site again!

Ben Cohen: Like the 1242 other times you tried?

Bengaley: *defencive* Hey, at least I try to update! ANyhow, a list of updated stuff will be coming shortly.


Bengaley: Yippe skippe. I'm making a webpage from school!

TM3 Aldrian: Can I have war now?


Special update, just this. May all those souls who died in the bombing of the WTC in New York rest in peace, in whatever heaven they belive in.


Bengaley: Well, lots have happened since the last update. Shattered Empires came back online, I got a girlfriend (Yes, if I can get a girlfriend, there is hope for you. There is someone for everyone, and I found my someone!), I learned to draw, and I will be putting up a gallary soon.

TM3 Aldrian: I still want war.

My Messageboard! Use it for a Guestbook and stuff!

My Furry Code
FFTmp3acmrw A C- D H+ M P+++ R+++ T++++ W Z+ Sm+ RLLW/AT/U a17 cdnw++++ d- e* f+ h* iwf++++ j++ p+++ sm--

Links for one and all!

SIMS!*Updated 4-6-02*
Links*Updated 11-26-02*
PCU*updated 4-7-02* Trust me ;)
Downloads*Updated 4-7-02*
Old Updates*updated 4-7-02*
LNN *Updated 4-7-02*
My Stories*updated 11-26-02*
Fight, Cast, Evade! Wicked fun!*updated 4-6-02*
Verrian Empires, a role playing game of Countries! *updated 5 December '03!*
Game Reviews! Commerical, Free, and Shareware games! *updated 4-7-02*
Tau! TAU! TAU! *8-17-02*
The World of Turim, a Work in Progress by NPE *Updated 11-28-02*

The Deepstrikers, a Tau Warhammer40K Army, updated 8-17-02!
