My "X-Files" fanfics

Welcome to my collection of "X-Files" fanfics! I finally managed to get them up.

Before you read them, please bear in mind that I wrote these when I was 15, so they're not as good as the others on the site (and I mean 'good' in its lightest form). Not only that, but I was far more obsessed back then than I am now (I'm now obsessed with far too many other things to make room for all that X-Files knowledge, but some of it's still there, festering...) and it was only *thinks* Season 3 at the time. Shippiness was something to be savoured and occurred rarely, hence my imagination (and those pesky little hormones) went into overdrive. These fics are deluded, ridiculously shippy and completely unbelievable... but isn't that what ficcing's all about?

I can never leave anything alone - these have been updated randomly every three to five months since I wrote them. "New York" still isn't finished. It may look like it, but it's not, I keep tweaking that final scene.

They form 5 parts of a continuous story - overkill? Moi? The first three have cliffhangers, and although the fourth doesn't, it still leads onto the fifth and final chapter. I should really give the whole series a name, but I really can't be bothered :)

Like most of my fics, these all have a history. They were not only my first fanfics of any description, but my first joint effort as well. Imagine the scene, if you will - two obsessed Philes, a hot July day, an overactive imagination, the end of a season, and a pen and paper... it's a recipe for disaster...

If memory serves me right, I wrote that final scene for "New York" first, one Saturday night when I was waiting for the BBC repeat of "Tooms" at 10.30pm. I had an idea - the final scene ever ever ever to happen. So I wrote it... and it was awful. One of these days I'll dig it from my archives of scrap paper and share its awfulness with the world...

So that was where it all began... then we wrote some very strange ideas that later became "Love Long...", and I finished the series myself, writing a seriously weird draft of "Coincidence" involving Des Lynam and a Mary Poppins-esque handbag (sometimes it's better not to ask...)

The fifth fic is actually my first crossover, a combination of two of my favourite things - "The X-Files" and "Nightmare Before Christmas". And, amazingly... it actually worked...

For some reason there was a problem with the uploading and everything in these is in italics. It's not meant to be like that. I'm working on it...

Enough of my incoherent ramblings. I've made my excuses far too many times. I'll leave you to read on...

Picture Frames
Love Long & Prosper
New York
A little Christmas story!