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Born on Coruscant to a highly placed diplomatic family, Adi Gallia was discovered to be a potential Jedi at a young age and was taken away for training. At thirteen she became the Padawan Learner of aged Jedi Master Zsan Treil until she was promoted to the level of Jedi Knight.
Anakin Skywalker was discovered by Qui-Gon Jinn she was a member of the High Council and was concerned about the training of the boy not realising he was to one day save her life.
Towards the end of the Clone Wars, the Jedi were being wiped out by the Empire and Mace Windu had fallen to the Dark Side to become Darth Vader. Adi and nineteen other Jedi of varying ranks were found by
Boba Fett to be frozen in carbonite until the time was right for them to return.
This didn't happen for over twenty years when
Fett (really Skywalker) began to aid the Rebellion. Lando Calrissian and Admiral Ackbar discovered the carbonite blocks and released the Jedi in time for the battle against the second Death Star. Adi and her group got to the throne room in time to save Leia and Anakin. The Jedi Master then destroyed Palpatine and Vader, remembering how he was once her good friend.
A year later she and
Lando Calrissian travelled to Nar Shadaa to rescue Narril, a clone of the same design as Lando. Despite her original mistrust for clones she and the two brothers become preogressivly closer.
Adi Gallia took the leadership of the new Jedi Council which also includes
Kas Grendor, Hela Zapalo and the Rodian, Yarled.