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During the Clone Wars, Keylar was a member of the Mandalore military and served on a vessel that almost destroyed Bail Organa's flagship. Once the Empire began to wipe out his race Keylar moved into politics but it he was unable to stop the genocide and put his energy into moving the Mandalore to the new world of Yarori.
Twenty years later on a scout mission to Tatooine he encountered
Leia Skywalker who was there constructing her own lightsaber at the request of her brother Luke. Together they began to plan the Mandalore's entry into the Republic which, after several problems between the Mandalore High Council and Anakin Skywalker, was a success.
Keylar spent the following year on New Naboo with
Anakin and Leia until he voluntiered to be to be part of the team to infiltrate Coruscant to assassinate Thrawn and take down the Imperial security shields.