Information for Basketball Players

Below is information you will need to know for the 2009-2010 Hopkins basketball season. It is placed in a question and answer format. If you have further questions, talk to me at practice, or e-mail me at

  1. What is the difference between the "A" and the "B" team?
    • The "A" team plays tougher competition. Players on the "A" team are often taller and more experienced. The "A" team plays with a "stop clock" and the "B" team plays with a running clock. The "B" team is designed to help players refine their basketball skills, so they will be ready to play at the next level. Both teams play each time Hopkins meets an opponent. Both teams go in the yearbook. The "B" team generally plays before the "A" team. Players on the "B" team are allowed to leave upon the completion of their game.

  2. Does every player play an equal amount of time?
    • Playing time is not guaranteed. Every effort will be made to provide some playing time to each player every game. However, there are no special rules which require a player to be played a specified amount of time. Players are generally substituted freely, depending on the game situation.

  3. Am I less likely to have a chance to play in high school if I do not play on the "A" team?
    • No. In recent years almost all the players that played on the "A" or "B" teams have played high school basketball. Remember in high school freshman may be selected for either the freshman, junior varsity, or varsity teams.

  4. How do I know whether I will play on the "A" or the "B" team?
    • That decision will be made a few days prior to the first game.

  5. Once I am placed on the "B" team does that mean I will play on that team every game?
    • No. Sometimes players will move between teams, as needed.

  6. Do I have to be an 8th grader to play on the "A" team?
    • No. The "A" team may be composed of both 7th and 8th graders. The "B" team will also be composed of 7th and 8th graders.

  7. How do I know what position I will play?
    • I will let you know within the first few days what position you are most likely to play, but the final decision will be made just before game day.

  8. How do I know whether I will "start" the game?
    • I will announce that the day before the game. However, both starters and "non-starters" will play.

  9. When will the uniforms be passed out?
    • The uniforms will be distributed on Thursday, November 19th during practice. Uniforms are assigned by the following priorities:
      1. Size
      2. Returning Players
      3. 1st Year Players
      If two players in the same category want the same uniform, it will be assigned by a coin flip. Players may be asked to purchase an undershirt to go with their uniform.

  10. Will I have to wash my uniform after each game?
    • Yes. Your uniform needs to be washed in COLD WATER and then hung up to dry. A uniform can be ruined by drying it at too high a temperature. Players are responsible for replacing a uniform that is damaged because of improper care. Each uniform costs about $100 to replace.

  11. Do I need a physical exam before I can play?
    • Yes. You must have clearance from a physician before you play in a regular season game. Forms for your physical examination were passed out on Friday, November 6th.

  12. What should I do if I must miss a practice?
    • Tell your coach in advance if you must miss a practice. If you are ill on a practice or game day, call and leave a message (656-3500 x-3089) or e-mail a message at Do not send a message about your absence with another player or with your parents. Players who fail to advise the coach that they are going to miss a practice will be subject to disciplinary action.

  13. Will there be practices during Thanksgiving and Christmas Break?
    • Yes. However, players who have previous vaction plans are NOT expected to change those plans.

  14. Will I be expected to practice outside of the organized practices?
    • Yes. In some cases you may be assigned to practice a particular shot or free throws outside of the organized practice. This is most likely to occur during the Thanksgiving and Christmas Breaks.

  15. How will I get to and from away games?
    • Players will be taken to the away games by bus. Players may choose where to return from away games with either their family or on the bus. Players who return with their family MUST inform the coach before they leave.

  16. What happens if a player's grades drop below a "C" during the season?
    • If a player's grades drop below a "C" average for his classes, or if he is failing one class, he may be required to attend special tutoring sessions. He may also be "benched" until his grades improve.

  17. Do players have any "homework" assignments?