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The TIE bomber was the Empire's prime assault bomber. While slower and less maneuverable than standard starfighters, these bombers provided excellent "surgical strike" potential against ground and deep-space targets.
TIE bombers have double pods and elongated solar panels. The starboard pod holds the pilot's compartment (with ejection seat) as well as flight computers, communications, and life support. The port pod contains the foward and main ordnance bays as well as the targeting and delivery systems. The ship is powered by Sienar Fleet Systems P-s4 twin engines mounted as a single unit between the two pods.
The TIE bombers' weaponry includes high-yield proton bombs, guided concussion missles, orbital mines, and free-falling thermal detonators. Depending on the mission configuration, TIE bombers can carry eight concussion missles or four proton torpedoes in the foward ordnance bay. The main ordnance bay can carry eight more concussion missles, four additional proton torpedoes, eight proton bombs, six orbital mines, or sixty-four thermal detonators. Two front-firing laser cannons provide protection from enemy ships.
The TIE bomber's targeting computers are mounted below the foward ordnance pod. Bombs are fed through the bombing chute behind the targeting computers, while missles are launched through the missles port at the front of the port pod.
For space duty, the TIE bomber was used to deliver heavy ordnance against Rebel capital ships. Traditionally, TIE fighters first softened up the target. Then the TIE bomber, in conjunction with the assault gunboats and Skipray blastboats, used its precise targeting computers to disable vital areas such as the shield generators or engines. With the target crippled and unable to protect itself, Imperial boarding parties took control of the vessel and captured Rebel troops for interrogation.
TIE bombers were used to assault space stations and stardocks and to mine planetary orbits. TIE bombers normally had TIE fighters for protective escorts in hotly contested combat zones. The TIE bomber packed a high payload for its small size and could often slip through enemy defenses, which tended to be geared toward detecting capital ships. TIE bombers are preferable to large capital ships because of their pinpoint targeting--capital ship turbolasers are less precise.
TIE bombers are also exceptional for ground bombing missions. Their targeting computers are precise enough to level specific buildings while leaving adjacent areas unscathed. They are maneuverable and fast enough for low-altitude bombing runs in cramped situations, such as canyons and cities.
A Star Destroyer typically carried one spaudron of tweleve TIE bombers. A rare, hollow hulled version of the TIE bomber could carry small boarding parties when larger ships such as the Gamma-class assualt shuttle were not apporpriate to the task, Before the Emporer's death, the Empire began dveloping a more advanced bomber prototype, which eventually evolved into the Scimtar assault bomber.
TIE Bomber