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Episode II: Attack of the Clones


Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Headlines & Rumors

Tusken Raider Camp
Tusken Raider Camp Picture
     January 29, 2002
Today, our man T'Bone updated today with yet another great Episode II picture by everyone's favorite spy, TFN_Sucks. Where does he get this stuff??!! This pic shows Anakin crouching on a very high ledge above a Tusken Raider camp. Banthas and everything! T'Bone also has an article on the events inpicted in the picture. Here's an short excerpt:

If you've been paying attention, you already know that Anakin pays a visit to a Tusken Raider camp loaded with men, women and children (and Banthas, of course!). You also probably know that this isn't a "friendly" visit. Anakin is there for a reason....finish the article

Click on the thumbnail image to see the picture.

New Clonetrooper Image(s) Online!
     January 23-26, 2002
T'Bone informed the net of a new Clonetrooper images which were brought to him by the infamous spy TFN Sucks. One of them is a very high quality picture of a clonetrooper standing with his big gun - looking very cool. The other is a clonetrooper formation created out of CGI. How many can you count??!! To check out T'Bone's article and the new pictures, click HERE.

UPDATE!: Some more Clonetrooper images popped up on the net in the past couple days, these provided by source: Sidious the White. You can find those HERE.

Clonetrooper Formation! Also: make sure to check out our gallery of all of TFN Sucks awesome pictures hes provided. I have updated it today with a couple new ones I didn't have before. Click HERE to go there now.

Episode II Features
TFN Sucks Spy Pictures! - Updated
Star Wars Insider #58 Scans
Jango Fett Pictures
Zam Wesell Pictures
Episode II Plot Synopsis
Episode II Selects
Episode II Cast & Crew
Forbidden Love Trailer Analysis

Episode II Trailers
Breathing Trailer
Mystery Trailer - Exclusive Download! No DVD Required!
Forbidden Love Trailer

[Click to Enlarge] Episode II Toy Photos
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Padme Naberrie
Electricuted R2 Unit
Tusken Mother & Child
The Reek


(Click to Enlarge)