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Adi Gallia
One of the Chancellor's most valuable intelligence sources

Aurra Sing
The enigmatic bounty hunter and mercenary

Boba Fett
The best and most respected bounty hunter in the galaxy

Brett Hoffman
The leader and founder of the famed Storm Squadron

Cassie Miller
Female E-wing pilot from Coruscant

An immense, fur covered warrior of great strength and loyalty

Chris Hoffman
Co-founder and second in command of Storm Squadron

Darth Vader
Dark Lord of the Sith

Depa Billaba
A Jedi Master and spiritual voice in the Jedi Council Chamber

Dllr Nep
Sullustan pilot fond of the music of different cultures

Dolphus Bar
The Mon-Calamari tactician of Storm Squadron

Eeth Koth
A Zabrak Jedi Master renowned for his extreme mental discipline

Even Piell
Fierce Lannik warrior and Jedi Master

Garven "Dave" Dreis
Flew as Red Leader in the Battle of Yavin

Han Solo
Corellian smuggler and pilot of the Millennium Falcon

Jango Fett
The name Jango Fett carries with it a cold air of dread and competence.

Jar Jar Binks
A young Gungan known for his clumsyness

Jedi Knight from the utopian world of Cerea

Lando Calrissian
Cardplayer. Scoundrel. You'll like him

Leia Organa Solo
Strong-willed heroine of the Rebel Alliance

Luke Skywalker
Tatooine farmboy turned Jedi Knight and Rebel hero

Mace Windu
Powerful voice in the Jedi Council

Obi-Wan Kenobi
Jedi Knight and defender of the Old Republic

Oppo Rancisis
Jedi Master known for his expertise in military tactics and warfare

Plo Koon
A Kel Dor Jedi Master with highly-developed extrasensory organs

Padme Amidala
Former Queen and Senator of Naboo

Qui-Gon Jinn
Insightful Jedi Master

Courageous astromech droid

Saesee Tiin
Courageous Jedi Master with telepathic abilities

Toydarian with a love of credits and gambling

Wedge Antilles
Veteran Rebel pilot and leader of Rogue Squadron

Wes Janson
Skillfull Rebel pilot of Rogue Squadron

A compassionate, patient, soft-spoken Jedi Master

Yarael Poof
Quermian Jedi Council Member and master of Jedi mind tricks

Wise master of the Force and teacher of Jedi

Zam Wesell
Her legendary capture rate attests to her unerring marksmanship

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