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The Storm Squadron Database was created on June 28, 2000 by Brett Hoffman. It was originally known as the Official Storm Squadron Homepage and housed nothing but information and pictures on the ships of the Star Wars universe. Nowadays, the SSD shelters far too much to list, as noticed by taking a look at the navigation bar on the left. Wesa grown much since then! What the hell??!! Did I just talk like Jar Jar? Oh well, we'll kill him one of these days...

We've gained many affiliates and 'allies' since our creation in 2000, and I have enjoyed meeting and conversing with many webmasters from all of the other Star Wars sites on the net. I enjoy looking at others' sites to see what they are doing to be "individual". There are many great ones out there and I'd just like to say keep up the great work and May the Force be with you!

This site is run by a single individual, unlike many of the other sites that have a small group to update. I take pride in the fact that I run it alone, although it is a daunting task. This site is coded by hand also. That means I use no HTML editor to 'help' me along the way. I check each page for errors individually and fix them using nothing but my trusty text-editor. For you who wish to undertake a place with my site, I am not planning on trying to find help with this site yet, but I may be in the future...

I am currently creating another Star Wars site, which is currently being called Star Wars Sitebuilder but is subject to change. (I love being able to say that!!) This new site will feature everything a Star Wars webmaster could want for their site. That is: site templates, graphics, design help, graphics on request, wallpapers, and much more. Stay tuned.

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This site is for entertainment purposes only. The Star Wars logo, names, pictures, etc. of Star Wars related items are registered Trademarks and/or Copyrights (©) of Lucas-film Ltd. All site related content was created by and is(©)of The Storm Squadron Database...MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!

This page was created and is maintained by JediMaster.