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Suicidal Dreams. by Paul Steven
“...he looked down as the screaming lumps of metal passed below. Their cries of obliteration hollered up to HK, mocking him to jump. ..."
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Road Movies. by Rob Morgan
"Cutting circles around America, searching for that sense of place, the feeling that they have finished the trip, waiting for the need to go home. Busted pair of Levi's and a bowie knife. They got on and stumble off..."

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This Guy I Know. by Dan Ericcson
“...he just watches his screensaver. He watches the stars or Microsoft logos whooshing closer to him, closer to him, then flying off the edge off the monitor..."
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Walk in the Front Door . by Dan Ericcson
“...the neon words burned into the atmosphere around him, "No Vacancy", meant another fifteen minutes of driving. Fifteen minutes spent the same meaningless way he had spent the last three months...."
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Communion . by Dan Ericsson
“There was nothing.
Then there was Irving. The booth which he inhabited had not existed until he sat there. When he left, so would the table..."

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The Model Employee . by Bel Garion
“Maybe they noticed me leaving early yesterday, all they would have to do is review the camera log… I’ll leave out the back today. Just because..."
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Aliens Prefer Pepsi . by Debbie Martinez
"JoeBob, John, and Bubba like to sit on the front porch, eat popcorn, drink soda, and watch the sun set while they discuss..."

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Kenny The Koala . by Jon Stephenson
"Kenny the koala lived in a great, big forest with many other koala bears. Every day Kenny would wake up and climb his favorite tree. He would sit in the tree and..."

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Death of a Sock Puppet . by Joshua Blanc
This was his fifth Birthday party gig this week, and each had been a disaster...He crossed his fingers and prayed that Mr. Sockforahead could keep it together..."

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Six Arms and a Game of Pinochle . by Dan Ericsson
"Maybe it was Doug's fault for always picking him out in a crowd. Or maybe Ernie was actually everywhere. Then again, maybe it was the four extra arms that threw Doug for a loop..."

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Ronald Plant: His Mother's Fault . by Dan Ericsson
"He carried with him the small sphere of his peripheral vision. He could see the trees slipping out of his sight, joining the darkness and forest from which they were spawned..."

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A Touch Bitter and Too Clever by Half . by Kevin Easter
"We know that enough pain strips your conscious defenses away. It's why children are so evil. It's why we hurt the ones we love..."

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Tinkerbell . by Paul Schroeder
"...It was a pristine landscape to wander in and dream. Suddenly the air vibrated like an explosion's aftershock..."

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The Boy Who Couldn't Recycle . by Dan Ericsson
"Buildrock snatched the paper away, and ran as fast as a moose who has a bone to pick with a squirrel away into the employee lounge. There, against the wall..."

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