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A Cream Filled Existence . by
The Mad Prince of Compton
“The tubby little man did not even stop to savor the ho-ho; I wasn't even
sure he was enjoying it. He didn't love the ho-ho. I loved the ho-ho. He just ate them; like a savage..."
. by Dan
“There was nothing.
Then there was Irving. The booth which he inhabited had not existed until he sat there. When he left, so would
the table..."
Days of Our Hoes - Starring
Jennifer Lopez .
by Holly Wood
"... It was a Tuesday, and like every Tuesday, it was Poptart day. She sluggishly dragged her fat ass out
of bed..."
True Demons: Interdimensional
Horror .
by Paul Schroeder
"There is a terror and a strong wave of hatred felt. Trying to retrace your way in the darkness back towards
the elevator..."
The Model Employee . by
Bel Garion
“Maybe they noticed me leaving early yesterday, all they would have to
do is review the camera log… I’ll leave out the back today. Just because..."
The Weird World of Today, with
extracts from a Frozen Pizza Facory
by Bob Badger
“The blue scraggy thing was the emperor of this lonely platinum planet
and was extremely surprised and shocked to see the holy ceremony..."
My Farm
. by Art
“Madi's head plopped to the shaking ground, bounced around for a while,
and finally rolled behind a big heap of falling ceiling."
Better off Dead . by Dan Ericsson
“DOLPHINS ARE BETTER OFF DEAD”, proclaimed the billboard, a dustily painted
Phylazim Gets a Quasi-Christian
Penis .
by plopmaster
A bored demon takes over the body of a young believer for some good, old-fashioned fun.
"She slid his hand down into his pants and evaluated his privates. "Ooooohhh," she cooed, "impressive..."
Flat Tire
. by William Sloan
"Opening another beer, I peered down the desolate road, watching for cars that never drove this way. When
that beer was gone..."
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