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A Home For Rex

By Mara Maclyr

Chapter 1

Duncan MacLeod was doing the mundane things connected with owning a business, namely paying bills, when his other sense warned him an immortal was nearby. His head came up and he was instantly alert. He looked out the office window into the empty dojo...well, empty except for a middle aged woman standing in the middle of the room. She certainly didn't look like one of them. He left the office and approached her.

"May I help you? " He asked.

She smiled. " If you're Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod, you can."

He studied her and she studied him; then suddenly, comprehension entered her eyes.

" Oh," she said. " No I'm not and yes you do."

" Excuse me? " He asked. She laughed.

" Could we please discuss this someplace we know our privacy won't be compromised? I promise I'll answer all your questions. And I also promise I'm no threat. Here, as proof..." She unbuckled a sheath and handed it to him. " My sword. I understand that in much earlier times, a guest would offer his weapon to his host as surety of intent. I have nothing with which to threaten you." Once again, she smiled and waited patiently for him to accept the sword.

After a moment of consideration, he did, and waved her to the elevator.

" All right. Let's go upstairs. "

Once out of the lift, she quickly went to the sofa and carefully laid her pack on it, then turned back to the man, who was eyeing her with some suspicion...

She laughed lightly. " I guess I don't blame you," she said. I was raised by one of you; I think if any stranger came to our house like I came here, Alex would have reserved his judgment, too. I give my word to you. I'm no danger. You can check out the weapon if you like. I apprenticed to a sword smith, also an immortal, and took my mastery with him. This is only a journeyman's blade, though."

Curious, Duncan slid the weapon out of its sheath, and nearly gasped. The balance was absolutely was very plain, but the beauty was in the heft, the feel of it. He looked up with surprise in his eyes.

" This is journeyman made? It has the feel of a masterwork. I'd like to see something better."

" Stick around me, you will. I generally only forge replica blades, you know, people want something on their wall to point at and say...' look at me, I have a sword.' he he... I also make rapiers for the Olympic teams when they wish. And, yes an odd one or two for special friends that would stand up to a real battle." She sighed and sat down.

" I was a friend of Darius. I'd known him since I was a little bit of a thing. He once suggested I come to you for help. I very nearly did, too."

Duncan laid the sword on the coffee table and sat.

" Nearly? What stopped you?"

" I was being hunted by a very nasty immortal. Since my foster father was gone, I went to Darius for help. He knows where everyone is that's in Paris. He told me where to find the barge; I went by, but Tessa Noel was on the deck and I ran as fast as I could as far away as I could. I'd seen her work, see, she didn't know me, but I thought she was very elegant...the man chasing me wouldn't have blinked twice at killing her if he thought I'd involved you. I didn't want anyone to connect you to me. Fortunately, I ran into someone else I knew and she took care of the problem for me...I think you knew her, Rebecca Horne.

Anyway, I haven't seen anyone here that seems to be close to you, and I do need help again."

Duncan was puzzled. " Who's after you? And Why? You ARE mortal, aren't you? "

" Hmm, yes I am, and not destined to become one of you, either. Well, I'll tell you the story of my life later, but for now..."

She carefully opened her pack.

" Come on out, he won't hurt you." Duncan's eyes widened as the smallest man he'd ever seen crawled out of the woman's pack and stood on the couch.

" Meet Rex. He's why I'm here."

This tiny man was the immortal. No taller than a six year old child, he had a man's features although slightly distorted; he was a dwarf. The little man held out a hand and Duncan solemnly shook It.

" clod" he said, haltingly. " Meet long time ago. Yes"

Duncan smiled. " And when would that have been?"

It was the woman who answered. " About 250 years ago...Rex doesn't speak very well. Seems you saw some boys dunking him in a barrel...some town in England. You chased them away and rescued him. He's never forgotten that kindness..."

Duncan closed his eyes a moment. Yes, he did remember the incident...But wasn't the dwarf ...yes, he was the bellows man for a blacksmith...

" I remember. You were bellows man for ...I can't remember his name..."

"Kaldon," the woman said. The immortal to which I apprenticed. "

Rex nodded vigorously. " Yes." He shook his head, saddened. "Kaldon no more. Now Mara."

" My name, by the way, is Mara Maclyr. Kaldon was Alexander's friend. He took me in when Alex was killed and taught me. I was coming to visit him two weeks ago, when an immortal surprised us. Everything happened so fast the man shot him...and took his head..."

Rex was shaking his head frantically now..." No! Not like us! Like you! "

" Rex swears it wasn't an immortal, but all that stuff with renegade watchers is over with now, isn't it? You took care of that. And he agrees that the one hunting us now IS an immortal.

Well, what it comes down to is that I'm his only protection now. Oh, I can use a sword; I've been taught since I was five, and can hold my own even against some of the newer immortals...but I'm getting old. I'm not as quick as I once was. " She noticed Duncan's eyes narrow and quickly said.

" Oh, I'm not asking you to take the job. I'm taking him to someone else he knows. I need your help with this immortal who's chasing us...and I need one other thing."

" What would that be?"

" I need you to tell Methos where I am...Oh, yeah; I've known the old dinosaur since I was a child. I just don't know how to FIND him when I need his help. Trust me...if you tell him Mara Maclyr is here...when he gets done swearing, he'll tell you to sit on me and then he'll run someone down getting here. And if he doesn't, we'll leave."

Duncan went to the wall phone and called Methos. He might as well find out if it was true. A few minutes later, he came back and sat down, chuckling.

" Well, you were right. He had plenty to say. So you'll be staying here till he gets here. "

Mara let out a breath." Thank God. I was pretty sure I could count on the old man, but you never know. Now, would you mind if we use your bathtub? I haven't felt human for days, and I know Rex feels the same way. And um, could you spare something to eat, too? "

Duncan laughed. " I was just going to fix some dinner. The bath is through there."

Mara dug some clean clothing out of her pack and got up. " Let's go, Rex. We'll be clean again."

The little man jumped down and followed her to the bathroom, while Duncan started some pasta cooking.

By the time the pasta was done, Mara and Rex returned, her with a towel wrapped around her wet hair, and both looking much more comfortable.

" Ah, I feel human again." She sighed deeply. " And don't worry, I cleaned everything up. Rex found your sink perfect for his bath..." She sniffed the food." That smells marvelous. We haven't eaten in a couple days...Please say it's ready..." She smiled apologetically.

" Only if you can eat and answer questions at the same time." He reached down and lifted Rex to the barstool. It was raised just enough so the little man could sit comfortably at the table with them. The man seemed astonished.

" This is probably the first time Rex has been at a table with other people. Kaldon had fashioned him his own size table and chair...mostly, other people just give him food and seat him on the floor."

"Well, there's plenty of room here for you. Now ...questions."

Duncan filled their dishes and sat down.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

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