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A Home For Rex

By Mara Maclyr

Chapter 3

He finally gave up and looked at MacLeod with resignation.

" Ok, Scruff, what kind of trouble are you in now? ' He asked. Then he noticed the little man on the couch, who smiled and waved, hesitantly.

" Rex? What are you...Oh no, Kaldon? "

Duncan nodded.

" So what happened? "

It didn't take long to fill him in. When they finished, Methos looked thoughtful.

" I know this monastery..."

" Oh no, you don't Methos! You know how Rex feels about those places!"

" Oh? And what's your idea, eh? You can't keep him. You are NOT immortal! You are also not as young as you used to be..."

" Olafsen's still alive."

" Olafsen! He's in Norway! "

" Which is why I'm taking Rex there."

" How? "

MacLeod wondered if he would have to pull them apart. They were standing nose to nose almost shouting at each other.

" Well, obviously with your help or I wouldn't have wasted MacLeod's time asking him to get hold of you! Considering I can never FIND you when I need you! "

Methos looked startled a moment, then shook his head.

" Oh no you don't. I'm not taking on any guilt trips today, thank you very much. And if you can't find me in the middle of civilization, how do you expect to find a man hiding in the mountains? "

"Rex knows the way..."

"Rex! Rex? Rex hasn't been there in what? Eight or nine hundred years!"

" Nine hundred and fifty, but it doesn't matter. He knows the way." Rex nodded defiantly.

" Look.... Just help us get an airline ticket and we'll get out of your hair! "

Duncan stepped in.

" And what about the immortal hunting you? " He asked.

Methos looked at him. " What immortal? " He turned back to Mara.

" Who's hunting you? And why? "

The woman shrugged. " Who? I don't know...Why? Maybe they want Rex. Again, I don't know."

Methos opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again and sat down. He studied them both for a moment.

" If you would just let me take him to a mon..."

Both Rex and Mara bridled.

" Again with the monastery! What? Do you get a kickback or something? No! No monasteries! We're going to Norway! "

He sighed. " Ok, ok...Give me time to get packed..." But Mara was still angry with him.

" We haven't ASKED you to come with us! " She told him.

His face turned red as he replied, " Well, you certainly don't think I'll let you go alone! You're a magnet for every immortal out there that still believes that stupid prank you pulled all those years ago! And YOU won't even know they're coming, unless Rex manages to let you know in time." He glared at both of them. Now it was Mara's turn to blush.

" Well, we didn't think..." she started. Methos pointed his finger at her.

" That's right! " He said. " You didn't think! "

It looked as though they were going to start all over again, so Duncan stood up.

" Look. What's past is done. Don't start shouting again. The neighbors will complain."

" What neighbors? " Methos said, still sulking.

" The whole city of Seacouver," said Duncan. " You were certainly loud enough for everyone to hear."

Suddenly he, Methos and Rex alerted.

Mara groaned. " Oh, great. Just what we need now."

Duncan checked out the window. A large man with cruel eyes was staring up at him. He beckoned Mara.

" That the one? "

She peeked out. "Oh, yeah. That's him, all right."

" Do you know him? " He asked Methos.

The old one shook his head. " No. You?"

" No. Well, stay here. I'll go ask him what he wants." Duncan started for the elevator.

" Like we don't already know," groaned Mara.

The man was still standing in the back alley when Duncan approached.

" I'm Duncan MacLeod of the clan MacLeod," he stated.

" So? " The man's voice was grating. " Why should I care? " he asked sarcastically.

" What do you want? "

" The bitch and the dwarf, of course. Nothin' else worth the takin' here." He shrugged, his mouth twisting into a snarl.

MacLeod eyed him with contempt.

" The WOMAN and the man inside are under my protection. I suggest you go find someone else to play with."

" Yeah, right. You jist want her power fer yerself! " He sneered.

" Power? " Asked Duncan. " What power could a mortal possibly have that you'd be interested in? "

" Sure, sure. I heard about her. She cin hide from our other sense. I want that power..." the creep was positively drooling.

" What are you talking about? She's mortal! She's not one of us. For God's sake, man! Look at her; she's old! Why would you think she's in the game? "

" People cin make themsel'es look old!" The man was stubborn. " Think I'm too stoopid ta know thet? " His piggy little eyes were practically popping out of his head.

Duncan began again, patiently. " She's mortal..." he started, but the pig-eyed man cut him off with a stubborn glare.

" Look, either ya give 'em to me easy...or..." he smiled viciously, " I take em when I git done wit choo."

Duncan smiled dangerously. "Oh? Think you're good enough, do you? "

A hint of uncertainty passed over the man's face and just as quickly vanished. He lifted his head defiantly.

" Ain't no one I can't best! " He boasted, his lower lip jutting out.

" By all means, then let's...have at it..." smiled Duncan.

He followed the man to an abandoned warehouse, nearby. When the creature turned, he was aiming a nine-millimeter pistol right at Duncan's face. He smirked.

" Tol'ya." There was a shot and the man fell. Methos appeared.

" you might like a little backup..." he said to his friend.

Duncan looked at Methos, then at the man lying on the dusty floor.

" He's not going to leave them alone," he said. " He wants Mara's so-called power."

Methos groaned, " Great."

" Leave him to me," Duncan told Methos. " I've developed a keen dislike of him, and I owe him for the gun." He removed the weapon and searched the body for more.

" You just get those two over to your place. I'll meet you there later. "

Methos stared at him.

" That's right," Duncan told him. " I'm coming with you to Norway. Haven't seen it in a very long time."

Methos nearly said something, but clamped his mouth shut on his words, then said it anyway.

" I don't suppose I can change your mind."

" Nope. Now get out of here before this garbage wakes up. "

Methos left and Duncan settled down to await the rebirth.

The pig-eyed man gasped and started, glaring at Duncan, who shrugged.

" You must have tripped," he said amiably. " Ready now?"

With a look of fear, the man began to back away." Uh..."

Duncan tossed him his sword.

" Oh, no. You challenged, I accepted. No backing out now."

He attacked. The man was clumsy, probably the reason he carried the gun.

" Come on," taunted Duncan. " Remember? There's no one you cannot best." He was beginning to take a savage delight in this contest.

The man's face turned red with rage and he came at MacLeod like a berserker; attacking, parrying, and generally handling his blade like it was a cleaver biting into fresh meat.

It didn't take long for Duncan to disarm him, and, smiling, he said, " There can be only one."

He sliced off the head and endured the lightening. What was left of the windows burst into flying shards, and some of the dust ignited, but it was done quickly; and Duncan left the braggart where he fell.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

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