Here it is, the collection of fics, Diarrhea and otherwise. Admittedly, a small number, but will grow over time when TC damn well feels like adding more to the pile.
As far as literary quality, *ahem* proceed at your own risk. Management will not be held accountable for vomit wrecking your keyboard.
Click here for the pre-Diarrhea stuff!
In the days before TC created Diarrhea, she did some re-writes of Star Ruby's fanfic. Sad to say that these were a lot funnier than intended and that she probably peaked right then and there. Sad.Grim.Pathetic. (TC's also gonna move the fics to another spot but right now she doesn't feel like it. So nyeah.) You'll find these, er, gems at the bottom of the page.
How 'bout some demented Other Crap?