TC's Inspirations...(Oh Dear God) wanted to know...TC's gonna tell. *looking around for snipers*

*Ahem* (walks up to the podium) And now...the moment you've all been waiting for...TC gives her thanks to the ones who have inspired her! (Double-checks for snipers)

TC found a lot of fanfic that helped inspire this horrid set as you have been reading so for. But there has been one or two that have stood head and shoulders above the rest.

Thundercracker: GET ON WITH IT!


GRR...SHASH! *Ahem* By far, the one who did the most damage, err, inspiration...the sole reason Diarrhea exists...

*drum roll* *The Constructicons play trumpet fanfare*

Star Ruby

What can I say, this chica, known in some fanfic circles as the "Maple Leaf Menace" (by one Rick R. Mortis, who, by the way has done some WONDERFUL MSTings of Ruby's fics) has been by far, THE MAIN inspiration for the sorry excuses for fanfic you have read here tonight.


One fine evening in March of 2002, I was cruising the fine galleries of the site in the Romance section. I started reading some of the...mushier fics. Some...ok. Others just made my internal structures twist...

After reading about the adventures of this wonderful Femme and the rest of her Merry Motley Crew, all of which glommed onto the dudes and turned them into a bunch of...fucking Autobots, I had to put my foot down. You can still hear the reverberations as I sat at my computer that fateful night, shaking my fist and screaming "As God as my witness, I'll never hook up Starscream again!" Anyway, Diarrhea was born and the rest history.

Star Ruby's Fics

(Better known as the Gallery of Dishonour...)

Believe it or not, I actually found a couple of Ms. Ruby's fics per the wonderful, beautiful Internet Archive Wayback Machine--a site I loves with every fiber of her being. The pages themselves are long gone, but these fics were the lone survivors thanks to bot crawls. Here they are...

Teammate Rivalry

Other chicks try to mack on Megatron! What is a Mary Sue to do?

Trials of Being a Leader

Only the second fic and already trouble's a-brewin...

Avenging Angel

Another fanchar gets mauled by the Mary Sue Machine

Family Reunions

Megatron has a long lost daughter, a product of some sexytimes between him and an Autobot (uh-huh) named...Pearl. It would be much better if Pearl was some sort of mechanized Janis Joplin but no.

Cybertronian History With a Twist

Short but sweet blather about Star Ruby's Autobot character, the Autobots' Mary Sue...I think. It was too much to read her fics stinking up the Decepticons, we do not need the same thing for the Autobots.


Sister drama and Star Ruby is about to go to the chop. Will HER MAYUN see that she is innocent before time runs out?

Battle at Autobot City

A fic about a battle that still made the G1 episodes seem brilliant in comparison.

The Revenge And Death Of The Ruby Red Decepticon Femme

Our heroine is critically injured, but she will not perish. Such is fate of a Mary Sue, to be terribly wounded and bounce back backed by the love of a good man.

Dangerous Attractions

It wouldn't be a Star Ruby fic without relationship drama, this time between the secondary fodder known as one of her sisters Autobot. *DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNN*

Destiny Fulfilled

Megatron's (or Meggy's if you bother to read this crap) hybrid daughter sacrifices herself for her half-brother. Yep, Meggy and Rubykins *shudder* managed to reproduce. *SHUDDER*

Also... Rick R. Mortis' excellent MSTs of some of Ruby's fic.


The following fics are ones I wrote long before I developed (if you can call it that) Diarrhea. Actually, you might see some things in some of the other fics that sound similar, that's cuz I took some of my old crap and re-hashed it. Terrible, but what the hell was expected?

It's Not Awful, It's Godawful

Parodying "Return of the Star Sisters", the beginning of the end....

I Don't Part One, Shotgun Wedding Blues

I Don't Part Two, Crappy Sub-Plots

I Don't Part Three, Allegro non Troppo--The Shit is Going Down

These three are a long-strung parody of Ruby's "Star Ruby's Unexpected Surprise". The end of the end, why did it have to be so damn LONG? Dear Primus...