For a break, this is the pile of other crappy fics. Now, rest assured, these are up to the high quality standards that TC used for Diarrhea. *guffaw*
Just like the Diarrhea fics, they are badly written, minimal plots, and no continuing story lines. However, some of the content in this is...risque, to put it mildly. If you can't stand androgynous robots acting all goony and some of them trying to get it on with everybody else, you might wanna go somewheres else. (TC's demented, there's no other explanation for it. Like it or get outta here.)
Oh, yeah, and as TC explained on the Diarrhea page, she had these fuckers saved as HTML before upload, click on yer back button to return. Hey, if ya don't wanna return, that's fine, you'll be condemned to wander the Pile of Garbage for all eternity. Suit yourself.
Fire on the Mountain, Revised, or, the Real Reason Nothing Was Done With Thundercracker's Character Development After This Well, at least TC thinks so.
Starscream is a Big Dirty Slut Figured as much.
The Sacred Codpiece of Turin Optimus Prime's crotch plate an all-healing sacred object? (Good God.)
We Aren't Even Going There! A fic too bad to even comment on.
Ashley-Amber-Heather This femme is not a Mary Sue, she is merely a piece of so-called eye candy that many Telly execs have used in sporting events, such as (American) football. (Like it really needs it) Also, TC was feeling very loopy when she was in the process of writing this. Hence, even worse than usual...
Stupid Prank Calls Transformers making prank calls to other Transformers. No, we don't know why TC did this either.
Fire in the a Glance
Fire in the Sky done in an obscenely short amount of time. TC's trying something new. EEEEEEEEK!
I don't wanna read this demented shit!
I'm stupid. I wanna read Diarrhea some more!
I wanna visit the Thundercracker shrine!