Hello, this is TC, and I will be your tour guide. Please keep hands and feet inside the car at all times. On this here page you will find the collection of Diarrhea/SNAD fics. (Diarrhea's sorry excuse for a tech spec can be found over here.) Now, admittedly, these are not exactly *ahem* masterpieces, but all is intentional, especially the lack of plots and the total skewering of everything and everyone. **FYI, the first second and fourth fic can also be found at Wayward's Mary Sue Contest.*** Also, TC is nowhere near completion of this, check back for new fics to be posted.
Oh, one more thing. When TC uploaded the er, gems, she had them saved as HTML beforehand. Jus' click on yer BACK button to get back to the fic index. (Hey, she's new at this, mmkay?)
Ready with the barfbag? Prepare yourself for a lot of vomiting; suicidal or homicidal tendencies are normal.
Without further adieu, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's DIARRHEA!
Diarrhea: Hello, out there. I was created to be the love of Megatron's life, so STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM, BITCHES! *Tee-hee!*
Diarrhea, the Ultimate Mary Sue! This is the piece of crap that started it all. As Wayward of the Insecticon fame put it, "It's all downhill from here."
Pretty Pretty Pretty Pretty Mary Sue Part 1: The Search for MasochismThe first time our Heroine meets the Autobots.
Pretty Pretty Pretty Pretty Mary Sue Part 2: Oh, the Humanity! Nuff said.
Short, Sweet, but Just as Awful Self-explanatory
The Quest Another Mary Sue self-indulgent masturbatory pice of junk.
More Mary Sue Garbage Pause for groans and tomatoes.
The SNAD Hits the Fan See what happens when a femme completely pussywhips the Decepticon leader.
Oh, Shit, There's More of Them! The plot thins.
The Quest to Make This God-Awful Series the Worst Soap Opera Ever TC feels she needs not comment.
The All-Time Worst Soap Opera (TC is amazed at how a small concept turned into 70-80+ pages of CRAP. She apologizes.)
Part One, The Sewage Seeps Out
Part Deux: Just Deux Me As the Stomach Churns and the Plotline Disintegrates...
Part Trois: Menage, That Is... Oh dear Primus, how the hell did Barry Manilow get in this?
Part FORE! Play Ugh...
Part Five: Oh, PLEASE Let This Be The End!! Of the soap, that is...
In case you're wondering, the ATWSO is over, this is just more crappy fics.
The Key to Vector Sigma, Diarrhea-Style!Part 1 What is that wacky Femme up to now?
Diarrhea, The Final Insult Part 1 No this is NOT the end, as the title implies. Megatron is getting just desserts...
The Final Insult Part 2: See You in Court Repeat, NOT the end!
The World's Crappiest Songfic Fortunately, it's brutally short.
MS-TC! This is TC's first MST. Set to, appropriately enough, "Merry Cybertron Day" by your favourite and hers, Star Ruby!(2 claps) Contain yourselves. (TC did not mean for this to be up in time for Xmas, but what the hell...) Another thing, this saved kinda weird, TC's working on fixing it. Sorry about that...
Bloodstone's Revenge: Revised
TC threw together another re-write of her favourite Mary Sue Fics, what the hell was she thinking?
Sister Trouble
Back to Diarrhea now, Bloodclot wants to be the leader of the chicks and Megatron's woman on top of that, oh Lordy, what is the Ultimate Mary Sue to do?
Well, that was fun, huh kids? Now for a cool-down, Unicron over there will give us the honour of using his underwear for a nice bungee jump. Just watch out for the brown streaks...
If you haven't checked it out already, or if you have the stomach for more punishment, TC has put up a set of non-Mary Sue fics which can be found not on this page.