Merry Christmas! :-) Happy Holidays! :-)
Isn't that so nice? Hope you had a happy time too - and didn't overdo the celibrating - if you know what I mean. Of course you do. It starts with one drink, then another, then another. Before you know it, you've awoken in bed with the neighbour's dead Aunty Doris - and no-one wants that, well, except maybe Aunty Doris herself. Next up is someone called James Cridland, a moderately humourous name that I'm sure people often take advantage of. (Of course, all people called James know of this, and change their names by the age of twenty two to something much less silly - like 'Portence')
I have no lettuce neither.
Talk about your offers you just can't refuse, eh. Well. What can we say? Of course, I ate so many carrots when I was a child my mother swore I'd go blind. Oh, those were good old days. How I remember, when I were a wee slip of a Hamster, coming home from school on a cold day. Mother would be there, cup of carrots in her hand. I'd pick them up and stick them in my eye... Hmm... No-wonder mom said I'd go blind. Hmm. That's strange. I thought we had more letters than that. Hmm. Oh well such ,as they say, is life. Hope all the readers out there (both of you) had a great Christmas. Take care. All the best for the new year.