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Woot Camp 2001

Adam Nitty giving his lesson on playing on, behind, and ahead of the beat.   Subtle differences that can change the entire complexion of a walking bass line.

Regi Wooten giving a lesson in tapping notes.   This guitar is fitted with pickups under the top nut so Regi can get multiple notes on both sides of the string that is depressed to the fret.   I took two very interesting tap rifs home with me that I have already used to dazzle my musician friends.

Vic mentioned the you can't predict who may just show up at Base Camp.   Bela Fleck and Edgar Meyer decided to use Woot Camp as a place to break in some of their material for their upcoming tour.    

As an extra treat Vic invariably joined in with all the guests.   You would think that Vic and Bela have played together a few times by the way they sounded.   (just kidding!)

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