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Woot Camp 2001

Well this is the last page and this was the last night, "sigh!".   We each took turns being the bass player for a group consisting of J.D.Blair or Futureman on drums, Jim Roberts with his array of conga drums, Regi Wooten on guitar, with Steve, Vic, and even some of the campers adding embelishments.  

I got out there and did my thing, I am so glad I did.   I would have been kicking my butt all the way back to PA if I hadn't.

Saying goodby on the last day, I made many new friends and will forever have the memories of one of the greatest events of my life.   Vic, you have had songs, albums, dedicated to you, bass guitars named after you,   But the greatest tribute of all will be the kindness, generosity and vision that all Base Camp alumni were shown and will take with them into the world.   We can't thank you enough.   Marko

As I drove out of Montgomery Bell State Park I caught a glimpse of the illusive deer we were tracking.   I can't help but believe that they were all assembled to say farewell to us as we left.

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