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Woot Camp 2001

We were host to a group featuring the Flecktone's own Jeff Coffin, and a group called "Facing East"   The percusionist seated on the ground astounded us with the amount of sound he made with a drum no bigger than an average tambourine.   Another inovation was a digital instrument that added that drone sound so typical of Indian and other Eastern music.   Steve Zerlin the bass player also knocked our socks off, he mentioned that the electric bass is relatively new to Indian music but is catching on quick.

Vic did an interesting thing after playing along with these musicians, he asked the drum player seated to his right to tap on his bass strings with the same rhythm he used ont his drum.   It sounded like three drummers!   If anybody knows the names of the rest of these musician please get to me and I will add it in.

The multi-talented Vic and Steve giving us a demonstration of cello and upright bass.   We were all given the opportunity to try one of the upright basses that were available at camp.   The bass Steve is playing was purchaced from Stanley Clark.   Stan was a great inspiration to both Steve and Vic.  

You are looking at two of the bass guitars that Vic and Steve purchaced from Stanley Clark when he decided to sell some of his collection.   These were the very bass guitars used on the recording sessions on the CDs pictured next to the guitars.   We were not allowed to play these basses, look but don't touch!

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