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Sailor Chibi-Moon
Chibi-Usa, Super Sailor Chibi-Moon


  Chibi-Usa is the future daughter of Usagi and Mamoru. Chibi-Usa actually became 'Sailor Chibi-Moon' in Sailor Moon "S" when she came back to the present ("Chibi" means "small" or "little" in Japanese). As Sailor Chibi-Moon, she fought along with the other Sailor Soldiers because her mother, Neo-Queen Serenity wanted her to train to become a good warrior. But before that, she came into Sailor Moon in the first episode of Part 2 of Sailor Moon R. She entered in by falling out of the sky and landing onto Usagi and Mamoru while they were sharing a romantic kiss. At first, she wanted the Silver Crystal from Serena/Usagi so she could take it to the future and save her mother, Neo-Queen Serenity, from the evil forces of the Black Moon. Chibi-Usa was later turned into Black Lady when Wiseman captured her and infested her with evil and made her into a grown adult. Read more about Chibi-Usa in Romance Page.

Chibi-Usa's Profile

Full Name: Tsukino Usagi (Nickname: Chibi-Usa)
Name Meaning: Rabbit of the Moon
Age: Unknown
Birthdate: June 30th
Height: 3'5"
Favorites: Pink (color), home-made pancakes, ice-Cream
Dislikes: Lightning/thunder, needles
Other Facts: Chibi-Usa is the future daughter of Mamoru and Usagi; Diana, her cat, is the daughter of Artemis and Luna; In the Japanese Version, her name is actually Usagi but she likes to be called Chibi-Usa, which means "Little-Usa".

Special Powers

Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R
Sailor Moon "R" (Second Season)

Luna-P change... :
Chibi-Usa says this create many things from her Luna Ball/Sphere. She can create milk that puts people to sleep for a while. She also can make an umbrella that can hypnotize people (Which is how she got Usagi's Family to beleive that she was related to them). She also can create a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher and also a sling shot that she can fire at an enemy.

Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S
Sailor Moon "S" (Third Season)

Moon Prism Power, Make Up:
Chibi-Usa says this to transform into Sailor Chibi-Moon

Pink Sugar Heart Attack:
Sailor Chibi-Moon uses her wand to create several pink hearts which distract or shock an enemy. It is a weak attack that is usually used as a distraction.
Movie, Sound File (Wav File)

Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Super S
Sailor Moon "Super S" (Fourth Season)

Moon Crisis, Make Up:
Chibi-Usa transforms into Super Sailor Chibi-Moon after saying these words. She performs the transformation with Usagi who transforms into Super Sailor Moon.

Twinkle Yell:
Using her bell, Super Sailor Chibi-Moon calls upon the Pegasus that gives her power to perform the attack.

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