[kevin] 'n [leslie]
heres my life long buddy kevin and his gf who is a great friend too, leslie. kevin alone, has been a great friend. 'friends' cant describe our friendship - hes like my bro. for leslie, shes kool and funny. shes my fellow 21-year-old and the homie-dizzle. shes been there too when i needed someone. you gotta love them both!
damn! this fool is funny and crazy! youll love him once you meet him. hell freakin crack you up so bad your stomach and face cheeks will hurt! hes also a really really nice guy. so, you single gals out there; john paul aka sean paul is available!
r-o-n-e-l ... great friend/bro. too. been there for me in troubled times and in good times. he introduced me to n64! haha - every fri. night till 5am playin video-games. crazy!
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