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My Amigos VIII

Here's more of my friends! Told you I had alot of friends!


Here's Chad! He was my boy! We used to make fun of people, make fun of 'High Metabolism' people, joke around, talk trash, and etc. I see now that he's a growing boy and I mean 'GROWING'. He's into basketball and with his height and skills, he'll be really good someday. He's learning the fundamental skills right now which will make him deadly in the near future.

More Friends

From right to left : Given, David, Rodel, John, Ken, dunno who's hiding, Diorella, and Leora. Some people on this pic. already has been show in this website. My boy David; my boy since the beginning. Since our church was all they way in L.A. called New Life! We knew each other by getting in a fight that he won because he was scatching and crap! It hurted! That's all I got to say!


Here's Max. My cousin J-anne's boyfriend. He's a really dope guy! He's trying to emcee, plays bball, play hide-and-go-seek, and other kiddy stuff he plays along with me and my little cousins. All I gotta say is that don't be fooled by the pic.! He ain't gangasta, he loves to laugh!

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My Amigos | My Amigos II | My Amigos III | My Amigos IV | My Amigos V | My Amigos VI | My Amigos VII

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