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Journal Page Four

A u g . 2 3 [ s u n . ]

Good morning everybody! Yes, it's Sunday; Sunday morning! It is exacly 12:23AM. I have 3hours and 37minutes till it's 'MY' bedtime. I put that Mortal Kombat picture for a purpose because in November, they will start filling Mortal Kombat 3 the movie. Dope huh! I hope it will be better than the 2nd one; 2nd one stinked! Well, I will hit this up later in the day. Peace out [d][b][s]


I'm back! Well, you can say I had a good day today and it started off by going to church at Lifestream South Bay. Ok, fine! I'll admit it! I didn't really listen to the sermon well because I was soo tired. But, later towards the end I did and it touched me. DEXTER! I finally saw my boy! We were talking and reminiscing on old times with Don too. It was dope! Now, we just need Ayr to jump ship and hopefully, Alfred will join too and it will be like old times. My situation right now on deciding whether it be South Bay or Cottonwood is hard. It seems like right now I'm leaning towards South Bay but, "I don't know!". After church, Ate Mitchie and I just headed back to my hizzouse and chilled there and ate there too! Ate Mitchie, my cuzzo Albert, and I was playing playing minature golf on the computer. I was kicking butt until our dumb computer frooze the game. Afterwards, Ate Mitchie and I met up with our friends at the mall to watch 'Freaky Friday'. Hey! Movie was good but kinda sick funny; sick funny! Overall, it got my thumbs up! Then, we went off to eat at spahetti factory up in Fullerton! Dude, it was funny! Ate Mitchie cracks me up! When it came to dessert, we all had spumoni ice cream! Aww man! Thing is temptation; A SIN! Ate Mitchie was just falling in love with it! Looks like she was gonna cry in such great pleasure because she was eating something so good! After that was nothing! Dropped off Jed [dunno if that's how you spell his name] and Ate Karen. My thought for the day. It's been one month since my grandma passed away and alot has happened within our family. We all got close together we she died. But now, one month anniversary and stuff, there was no family call on saying lets 'all' go there tomorrow and be with grandma. I was hoping and waiting for that call. I was waiting for my mom to tell me when I got home, "Stephen, all of us are going to visit your grandma today". Nothing. I don't want to go under the feeling that 'nobody' cares because I know everyone does. I guess things affect people in different ways. I guess I can say that i'm like this because I do miss my grandma and 'I' want everyone there. The thing is, we can't always get everything we want. I guess there is lesson's in our lives thru people's death and thru my grandma, We [I], can't always get everything we [I] want.

A u g . 2 5 [ m o n . ]

Today. Nothing really happened. I just had school - biggie! Nothing really happened today except I went to visit my grandma. I visited her because I love her and yesterda, Sunday, was her one month since she passed away. I saw like new roses there so I took it that other family memebers visited her as well. I was there and there was a lady and I guess her teenager daughter. They said hello to me and I said hello back. Forrest Lawn people are friendly, I guess. I was raving and ranting again to my Grandma that I don't feel myself anymore. I told her that and I told her that I feel like I'm alone now. Even though I'm with family and/or friends, I still feel alone. After I had my quiet time with my Grandma, I sorta helped fixed around her grave. We have like vases for my grandma to put flowers in it and boy the water was dirty and stink! So, I dumped it out and re-filled the vase with water and put the flower back. Some of my Grandma's flowers were knocked down and I fixed it back up to the best of my ability. I guess I am done here. Nothing really happened today. I didn't quite feel like myself today; I felt like I was lost really. Anyways, maybe tomorrow would be a brighter day ... =)

-I have updated my Homepage with three new features! Teresita 'Esing' Brigoli Trazo, This New Journal Page, and Every page has a link at the bottom where you can just email me from here [but you need to use Outlook Express to do so]-

A u g . 2 6 [ t u e s . ]

Let's see! I slept at 4am right? Then, this morning woke up at 8.30AM! because finally the floor guys like to come at that time! Gosh! 4 hours and 30 minutes of sleep! Truthfully, I ain't all that tired but I know I will once I go to my accounting class. It's an energy drainer! So, far, I've been doing nothing but changing and updating my homepage. New features is on here and I'm working on an eighth page for my Friends section. It gets more and more better each time. I'll hit this back up when I get on later on tonight. Checking out exactly at 3:20PM.


SCHOOL FRIGGIN SUCKS! CAN I REPEAT THAT? SCHOOL FRIGGIN SUCKS! My BUSA102 [accounting] class got freaking canceled because we had only 13 students and the minimum is 20. So, the head person in the Business Education building canceled our class. Whats sucks the friggin most is that on the first day of school we had 20 students and the gay 'head person' didn't check our class. He only checked it on the days when people wasn't there. That's another thing, students who don't show up in class - DORKS! Big thank you to y'all. As you can see I am very angry. I really don't want to talk about this subject anymore. So, what is my class schedule now? Mon. & Wed. 12:30 - 2:00PM and Tues. & Thurs. 5:30 - 7:00PM. Yep! Pretty fun huh or wonderful. Well, my sister Dette and I made some hamburger helper junk and I'm talking to Ate Karen right now. So, maybe later on AGAIN I'll hit this up. Maybe I'll be less angry! I love CERRITOS COLLEGE!

10:42PM. So far I've been playing yahoo with my buddy Kevin, watched 'Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', and worked on my Homepage. I've put up My Amigos VIII. It's a whole new Friend's page. Right now, I'm less angry and stuff at School/Students. Right now, I don't think anything 'BIG' will happen so I guess I'll end this for the night. Unless, something pops up and it was so great that I have to report it in here! Like, TOTALLY! BLONDE! Anyways, I'm out.

A u g . 2 7 [ w e d . ]

Man! I'm such a lazy bum! I woke up at like 1:00PM in the afternoon today! To top it off, I had school at 5:30PM. I only had like 4 hours and 30 minutes of free time. I just cut my hair and went to my friends house. Then, I went to school. I was like 10 minutes late because parking sucks big toes! Class was boring! Note taking part was cool but when it came to the video, GOSH! It was hosted by a guy who had a monotoned voice and just puts you to sleep. After class, just went back to my friend Ronel's house and kicked it with John Paul, Kraig, and Ro for awhile. Then, I went home and I did my Spreadsheet Accounting homework, I'm doing laundry, and now, I'm just being bored. Nothing new happened; same old day though. Well, I guess this is good bye! GOOD NEWS! I finally get my friggin room back this weekend. I get to paint it tomorrow and stuff then on Friday, I can bring my stuff in and fix it all up! After 1 month and a half of living in the living room, I get my room back. Later Dawgs!

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My Amigos | My Amigos II | My Amigos III | My Amigos IV

My Amigos V | My Amigos VI | My Amigos VII | My Amigos VIII

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