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My Amigos VI

More friends! Actually, these are my boys!


Here is my boy Amos. You can say we had some pretty mean battles on the basketball court. Don't let him fool ya because he really is good! I would hit him with a move and then he would hit me back with one. Put aside the AND1 battles he's a great friend. We had good times of strolling down to a 7Eleven and grabbing Slurp and Gulps. It was dope! The tables has turned and obviously, we went our separate ways. Not for the bad but for the good. Even though we don't kick it anymore and junk, I will always consder this dude my friend; no doubt!


Friggin Syd! That's all I can say about him. I remember butchering that hair of his. It was an afro down to being bald; I was like, "Damn", after I was done because that thing took forever! Syd is a good friend too! Master of Counter-Strike and Starcraft. I always remember him always going to 201PC and stuff. Guy loves to play.


Here he is! The first time I ever skipped while dribbling the ball between my legs and bouncing the ball off of someone's head was on this guy. Go ahead and laugh. He got me back by swinging the ball around his back and it went between my legs and he got a layup on me! I give this guy credit! He always played 1vs1 with me with no complaints and whatevers. He went on the court [even though he's way smaller] with total confidence. We had good games and busted crazy playground moves on each other but the whole total confidence thing is the type of person who he is. He ain't afraid of anything and/or anybody! He'll step into your face! Funny dude, really funny dude! Hotels and rough man love is what he likes! Haha - j/k!

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The Macaranas Family | The Baclaan Family | Some more of my L.A. Cousins | Other Family Members | Up North Cuzzos

My Amigos | My Amigos II | My Amgios III | My Amigos IV | My Amigos V | My Amigos VII | My Amigos VIII

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