Aug. 8 [fri.]
dude! its friggin' 1.10am in da morning! i juss started this shiznizzle! i started this because i was inspired by my cuzzo '[]v[]a校L' to do like some journal stuff. since i always read her xanga, i was inspired to share the world whats up with me! this is all for now. LaT'!
Aug. 9[sat.]
its 12.27am and i juss got back from my grandmizzles house. it was kinda a drag but we did the same thing - SING! so, it was sorta fun but not that much because it was only me, karrell, rico, madel, and gloria. nikki and gabriel was playin roller coaster tycoon. the aunties played mah jong and the uncles juss talked. thats all that went down. i also went to salo-salo grill w/ my parents, junior, and dette. it was fun. we did alot of laughin than eating - LoL!
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