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Journal Page Two

Week of August 10 - 16

Aug. 10 [sun.]

man! i havent written in here. heres wut went down starting sat.: Aug. 9[sat.] - its 12.27am and i juss got back from my grandmizzles house. it was kinda a drag but we did the same thing - SING! so, it was sorta fun but not that much because it was only me, karrell, rico, madel, and gloria. nikki and gabriel was playin roller coaster tycoon. the aunties played mah jong and the uncles juss talked. thats all that went down.

Aug. 10 [sun.]

today! wow, i went to lifestream but south bay/carson. crazy huh. i saw old friends like, derrick & missy, jay & nanci, rene, don, and etc. i was totally welcomed and it felt like home. i had fun too. i saw my boy don after church and we were juss talking like forever. it was dope their. pastor ken said that i can attend there but im not sure because i like cottonwood. this is somethign difficult and something i will have to pray about. after that, i went home to get my oil change done by my uncle and then i met up with my friends at the mall and we ended up going to kuya jojos house and now im home. writing in this. junior went home today and it sucks! its boring no one to talk to and bother. oh well, hopefully the floors in my house will be done this week so i can paint my room and have it back. hopefully by next week! dang, i miss my room and i need my life back.

Aug. 12 [tues.]

lets see! what happened yesterday Aug. 11 [mon.]...woke up at 9am to go to skool to see whats up with my registration. so, everything is cleared and i am registered in 3 classes. 2 accounting classes and psychology. after that, me and my mom went back to my skool to pay for my schooling. nothing much from there, went to wash my car, went to my friends pad, and play videogames. thats all monday was. watch pride fight and watch chuck lidell kick some butt. its 12.45am. lets see if tues. was a better day than mon.

Aug. 12[tues.]

time now is 9.44pm. today was a pretty good day. woke up and did nothing as usual but friends called me up to do something. we watched SWAT at krikorian. swat was ok and but not that good. after swat; kraig, given, chad, and i went to eat at kim loan. it was dope since i havent seen these guys for such a long time. i enjoyed hanging out with them. but afterwards i went home and now im juss doing this. floor plan so far our stairs was juss getting done and more coating on our rooms and hallway will be done. hopefully by this weekend i will FINALLY get my room back.

Aug. 14[thurs.]

time now is 12.05am. what did i do yesterday Aug. 13[wed.] - lets see. i really did nothing but worked on my homepage for awhile and watch the guy fix our stairs. after awhile i went to the mall and toys 'r us to buy this little toy truck that my ate wants for her birthday but no luck. at 5.00pm i picked up john paul from work and we went to the block to look over there! wasnt their either. so we went to lbtc [long beach towne center] and met up with ronel and ate dyan and we ate at in-n-out. i ended up getting ate a $10 gift card to starbucks since she likes to go there alot. i hope she likes it. afterwards, we juss chilled at ronels house playin xbox. that was pretty much my day. it was kinda laggy and boring but it was ok when i played xbox because i played tony hawk 3. haha..ill school anyone in that game! no what punks. today is ate karen birthday and were gonna celebrate it at D&B's at the block. back to the block. this will be dope.

Aug. 15 [fri.]

its 2.04am fri. morning. checking in and letting yall kno how my day was on thurs. the 14th aka ATE KARENs BIRTHDAY! happy birthday to her! heres how my dad went. afternoon, john paul, ronel, and i went to frys to see how much are blank cds. friggin expensive! we then went to carls jr. to eat and then ross to look at clothes. afterwards we went to pick up ate karen from work and i think took everyone home. went home to change and shower/get ready for ate's party. on the way back to the sullivans house, we saw this mexican kid walk up the driveway and they this cop car juss screeched behind him and whipped out his gun yelling, "get on the ground!". it was crazy. police was everywhere blocking entrances and exits. crazy stuff. it held us back and we didnt leave like until 7pm. when we arrived there we hit up the arcades first. i did and ate karen too. i played this game to win ate some tickets. so she can get some stuff i guess. afterwards we played pool. it was sucky at first but i got better. kevin and i was the bomb team. until we finaly met our match by ronel and rodel. thats all we did was play pool and junk. afterwards we played more arcades and i won ate more tickets. she got like 1,389 i think. i won her alot. i had fun on ates birthday party. it was fun. its over now and its boring. i hope that ate had fun and it would be somethign shell remember. im watchin daredevil and talkin to my cousin madel and janice. but i think im going to go sleep now cuz its 2.22am and i have to wake up early to watch these floor people. i guess so they wont jack anything. haha...hey school starts in 3 days. sucks!

Aug. 16[sat.]

heres what went down on fri. i basically did nothing in the morning but sleep because i woke up like at 1 i think. then i head over to my friend ronels house and kevin, chad, kenley, and john paul was there. we played tony hawk in whick i skooled people badly. kenley had a chance but i busted a last minute killer. hehe..after that i went home and family was over. gabriel, jamie, nikki, madel, and i played this cool game on some bubble game but its irritating but dope. it was fun. thats all that went down on fri. grandma ronnie is leaving today. its gonna be wierd because no more visitors. when grandma was the peacekeeper and when she died grandma ronnie was. now that shes leaving i dunno whats gonna happen within our family. i dont know. my voice will be HEARD if anyone crosses our family line. if someone puts their own pleasures first besides family to pursue something for themselves...i will be heard. i have to go skool shopping and im going to my kuya nathans house. this all im doing today. skool 2 days - DAMN!

Aug.17 [sun.]

ima talk about yesterday the 16th. KOOLNESS! EVERYTHING KOOLNESS. today was such a GOOD day. i went to my kuya nathans and ate cheryls house for their house warming. it was dope! i saw like ATE MARNEE! and other old pals. house warming was dope. i had fun with my friends there. also i talked to my first crush today. everything went well. im glad i was able to get things off my chest and im glad she gave her forgivness. now that were talking again, i miss her alot! not in that way but like i juss miss her! if i ever go up north again i kno she wont be there because she moved to hawaii. it sucks on my part because i only had the ball now to do it instead of all these years while she was here still. theres nothin i can do about it. i can turn back the hands of time but juss learn from this. everything will be ok and hopefully one day we will see each other again. shes a really cool person and i will miss her alot. im not juss saying this but its all TRUTH and from the HEART. thats it for me and for this week. tune in for next weeks journal peace out!

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