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Journal Page Three

I cant believe I was able to put a pic in my Journal Page! I'm actually getting good at this stuff! So, here ya go! Journal Page Three for week of Aug. 17 - 23. Hope ya enjoy!

A u g . 1 7 [ s u n . ]

It is exactly 11.00pm! I'm actually writing a Journal entry on the exact day. I usually over lap to the next day and write about yesterday but I'm home early and I'm doing this. Here's what went down today. I FRIGGIN MISSED CHURCH! Overslept and didn't hear my alarm ring. I wake up and then like after 30 minuts of being awake Ate Mitchie calls me asking me if I wanted to go celebrate Ate Karen's birthday lunch at Long Beach. I was hesitant at first but she talked me into it. We went to this place [dunno the name] but it had good Pastrami sandwiches and had a good dessert but its weak! It can never take away my love for Toll House at Parkers Lighthouse! We ate their and stuff. Afterwards, we went to Brea mall. It was dope and I liked it! I had fun hanging out with Ate Mitchie and Ate Karen. After Brea and walking around we went to Ronels house. Juss kicked it and Ate Karen and I juss chit chat and stuff then we went to Ronels dad's friend's party. It was kool and it had GOOD food! Good FRIGGIN BBQ! Ate Karen and Leslie was picking on me but it goes both ways. I was picking on them too! After the party, HOME. What hurts right now is that my boy Dexter went to South Bay. I went last week and our boy Don was saying how he hasn't been going to church and stuff and I told Don to make him go and that I'll be here next week and stuff. But guess what! I was a no-show and he was there. It hurts because I care for him. I wanna help him out in whatever he's falling from. Hopefully next week I will see him and talk to him. Thats really bugging me right now. Lately, I've reconciled with my first crush almost my first girlfriend; I think. I said sorry about "our" past and now we're talking. What hurts is that she's leaving for hawaii soon and I won't be able to see her. It hurts because all those times when I saw her, I dissed her. Now, I'm regretting. I wish I can see her again juss to kick it and stuff because she's actually kool and tight! She's a person that's really worth being with and hanging out. She'll always put a smile on your face. Hopefully, in the near future we can. Right now, I'm just thankful that we've reconciled and she has forgiven me. Thats the, thats it, and thats all for today. Tomorrow will be a whole new day since school starts. Before I end, here's my school schedule: Mon. and Wed. PSYC101 5.30-7.00PM. Tues. and Thurs. BUSA133 12.30-2.00PM and then BUSA101 5.00-7.00PM. That's my school schedule.

A u g . 1 8 [ m o n . ]

Today school starts! I woke up around like 12.30PM and I did the usual bathroom stuff. Then, I went to Target to buy new face lotion and Chap Stick since I ran out. Now, I'm juss enjoying my final moments of my summer vacation before I head over to school. School starts at 5.30PM for me. I'll probably ask my dad to take me so I won't have to spend like more than an hour to find parking. I'm going to go eat. I'll hit this up later tonight since my day is quite over yet!

- [C O N T I N U A T I O N] -

ok, after school was done I did nothing but went home and eat. I ate a Twister from KFC. It was good; I mean GOOD!!! Then, I went to my friends house and played more Tony Hawk 3 on his XBOX; I schooled my friend John Paul. He's weak in that game. So, like almost around 9pm I went home to work on this Homepage of mines and I added like more pictures of my friends and etc. etc. Thats is for today. I have school tomorrow like at 12.30PM till 2PM. Then I have to go back to school at 5.00PM till 7.30PM. Crazyness!

A u g . 1 9 [ t u e s . ]

Today sucked! I woke up early for nothing because I thought I had to drive to school buy my dad was able to take me. Today was my 2nd day at school. I had an afternoon class which was BUSA133 I think, it's spreadsheet accounting. It's kool! Your stuck in a Comp. Lab the whole time so I can mess around with the net and junk. Plus, my teacher is cool. Class finished like around 2PM so I went home and chilled for awhile because I had class later at 5PM. So, it came near 5PM and I was on my way to school. It was for BUSA102. It was pretty dope but boring. Teacher can be funny at one point but kill you off at another. Sucks because this is my 2 hour and 30 minute class. Sheesh! Ima need like TONS of coke to keep me up in that class. After school was totally over I went to my friends pad and chilled. Then the guys [kevin, john paul, ronel, and i] went to Tam's to grub on Rosecrans and Pioneer. Oh man! It was so dope! I actually missed Tam's! Kevin and I split a large chilli cheese fries and we both got 1/4 lb. hamburgers. It got me thinking though. The boys night out reminded me of the past how we used to always go out too. Now, its slowly becoming like the past but BETTER! But, we still had lots of chilli cheese fries left - LoL! After we ate we went back to my friends house and played NBA Street. Game is crazy like watching real life AND 1 stuff. It's like we got back at 10.30PM and we stopped playing like around 12.30AM crazy huh. So, I'm here working on this because for the past 2 days I haven't. Been lagging on this thing! I'm done for now because I wanna finish this hopefully by tonight! Take it easy everybody

A u g . 20 [ w e d . ]

@hat happend today. Lets see her hhhmmm...not that much. I just went to my friends house and we watched the movie Chicago. Then, I went to school and it was ok today. First day of taking notes! It was kool because time flew by. Then after class I went back to my friends house and I helped his niece [Nalani] clean up her room! Talk about a mess! It's cool ya'know! She's still young and she'll learn how to do it her own soon. Thats all that happened today. Didn't really do alot of thinking and crap. So, Take it easy!

A u g . 21 [ t h u r s . ]

Hi! Can I say that it's already been one week of school and school sucks? My other two classes are cool but my friggin BUSA102 class just straght out stink! I have a teacher who's so like "putting you to sleep" talk actiion. What even sucks even more is that this friggin class might get canceled because we don't have that much students. I don't know what I'm going to do if that gets cancelled. Bascially, everything is full! Sucks! Nothign really happen today. Can I say the same thing happened. Same as usual kick back and plus, today isn't really Thursday. It's actually 2:05AM Friday morning and I'm writing about yesterday. Wow! I usually don't sleep until like 3 or 4AM anyways. I'm going to go. John Paul dissed me and not answering my questions because "someone" came on and im getting hungry. So, i'm going to eat adn then sleep. Goodnight everyone out there in this world. Peace out and 1LOVE! Haha - gay!

A u g . 2 3 [ f r i . ]

What happened today. I was supposed to go to the beach with my boys Ronel and John Paul but I overslept! I heard my cell phone ring but I didn't have the strength to get up and answer it! I don't think I even had reaching distance either! Haha - to make the long story short, I WANTED TO SLEEP! I washed my car for the first time after a LONG time. It felt good too! I missed working on my car. It's my baby! It takes me to places I want to go in such a short amount of time. Lately, people have been giving me good feedback on my homepage saying, "this link would lead to another", and, "your journal pages sucks because you can't hardly read it because of all the Dragonball Z stuff". I enjoy this! No one is perfect eh'? What else did I do, I went to Ronel's house and kicked it there. Afterwards, I went to Kuya Nathan's and Ate Cherly's hizzouse to kick it even more! It was so much fun there I saw, Sullivans [just John Paul and Ate Dyan], Ronel, Kevin and Leslie, and Kraig. It was cool! I really miss my Kuya and Ate. We also watched 'On The Line' that N'SYNC movie that came out like almost 2 years ago. turned out to be a pretty OK movie. Movie was done, we went home and I'm here doing this. I guess I'm going better this homepage to meet the needs of my viewers - hahaha! That's all I'll be doing since my parent's are watching Lord of the Rings part II. Long-ass movie but hey, gives me time to work on this. Later - [d][b][s]

A u g . 2 3 [ s a t . ]

Hello! My day so far is quite boring but oh well! That's how this time of my life is supposed to be I guess. Anyways, woke up angry because my dorky parents loves to talk to each other yelling even infront of each others face. They never love to shut up or talk quiet. To add to it, my dad kept on opening and slamming the screendoor. I literally wanted to get up and do it for him! Sheesh, have some respect. So, in return, my parents were eating and I was on the computer and I was blasting the music! My mom complained and I responded in these exact words, "you and daddy made so much noise when I was sleeping why should I lower it down!". Yep, cool huh? I visited my grandma today at Forrest Lawn because tomorrow will be exaclty 1 month since she passed away. Im'a quote myself right here while I was talking to my grandma when I visited her today [warning: this is my feelings and I'm trying to remember exactly what I said]:

"i don't know what to do grandma. i feel ashamned that now that you're gone, only now i can talk to you about things that are personal. only now i come to see you on my freewill. on my family side, no one see's you unless something big is going to happen here at your grave. i dont know if my other family members care or what, but I guess you can say i expected way too much and just got a little. grandma, tomorrow will be one month and alot has happened. as i look at your one month passing, i look at it for the positive. exactly one month ago, we ruled Forrest Lawn! for so many days straight, you and your family ruled the upstairs mortuary rooms! me and your younger cousins ruled the grassy area infront of the mortuary while we played tag, freeze tag, and marco polo. our family have become closer. now, i play with my younger cousins everytime we go to your house whether it be hide-and-go-seek or computer games. of course we do the usual, magic mic. grandma, remember we always love you even though you're gone and we terribly miss you alot!

That's all I did so far was visit my grandma after 1 week of not doing so. It is exaclty 6:07PM and I don't know what the rest of the day holds for me. I either go out or not. Oh well, I can watch like old movies. I want to rent and watch Goldeneye 007 because I'm starting to play that game again. Haha! I'll hit this up later because my day is still umcomplete. [d][b][s]

Ok! I'm back. I did go out after all. While I was doing my Journal entry earlier, I was talking to my good friend Kevin and stuff and he invited me over to his bro.'s apartment. So, I went of course. It was fun! I enjoyed it. We played tongits and tried to do a 1,000 piece puzzle while watching G.I. Jane. Movie is brutal i'm telling you. Then afterwards we went to In-N-Out at LBTC [Long Beach Towne Center]. Good food! Same old same old, eat, talk, and stuff like that. Ate Karen and I was playing with each other and she accidently punched me in my eye. It hurted at contact but after a couple of rubbing it, kinda felt better. She feels sad but I told her it was all good! That was my day and now I'm home working on my homepage and watching 'Bringing Down the House' with my sister Dette. So, laters! [d][b][s]

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