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More of my family!

Right hurr!!! is pictures of family memebers from different regions of the friggin' world! Family from up North such places like San Francisco, Vacaville, then some in Vegas, Hawaii, Alaska, and Philippines. Pictures here are family on my mom side. Worldwide Family!


here is my grandpa and grandma aka my moms parents. of course thats my grandpa on the left and that is my grandmas grave on the right. it is located all the way up north in daly city. -=[rip]=- grandma


heres all my moms sisters and brothers in this pic. this pic was taken when my grandma passed away and all the sisters and brothers were all re-united.

Top row - left to right: uncle eugene, uncle junior, auntie inday, my mom, auntie beth, grandpa, auntie delia, auntie nene, and uncle billy

Bottom row - left to right: uncle angelie, uncle manoy, uncle dodong, and unlce robert


this is my sister bernadette and her bf junior. i love them alot. they take care of me and all love-able junk they do that i totally appreciate and thankful. thank you for you love and support!

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The Macaranas Family | The Baclaan Family | Some more of my L.A. cousins | Up North Cuzzos

My Amigos | My Amigos II | My Amigos III | My Amigos IV

My Amigos V | My Amigos VI | My Amigos VII My Amigos VIII

Teresita 'Esing' Brigoli Trazo | Information on the Creator of this Homepage | Email the Creator of this Homepage