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Pairtí Poblachtach Sóisialach na h-Éireann

IRSP Derry

For National Liberation & Socialism!

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Welcome to the website of the

Irish Republican Socialist Party

in Derry City.



End Political Internment


Shell to Sea

The IRSP have consistently added our voice to the calls for the Shell oil company to put a halt to their destructive activities in relation to the Corrib gas fields and their attempts to pipe this gas through local land for refining.

Republican Forum For Unity

The Irish Republican Socialist Party fully endorse and support the Irish Republican Forum For Unity Project. The IRSP have been involved in ongoing discussions on how to best move the republican project forward in the current political climate. As such, with our partners in the Republican Network for Unity (RNU) and the 32 County Sovereignty Movement (32CSM), we are happy to participate in the launch of the Irish Republican Forum for Unity Project and see it as an exciting and timely intervention.

We would urge all those who are unhappy at the current state of affairs and who want to see republicanism to once again prosper to lend their support to this broad based initiative and to attend the debates.


The Irish Republican Socialist Party have begun to actively campaign against multinational corporation 'Coke' and "Coca Cola" in an effort to assist international worker solidarity locally in Derry.

A spokesperson for the IRSP said "There is already a world wide campaign against this multinational corporation who have been actively targeting for assassination workers and trade union activists within Columbia and across Latin America.
"Nationally the IRSP have assisted and distributed information leaflets with other workers that have been a success with a number of pubs and cafes halting the sale of Coke products.  We welcome those who continue the assist the campaign in this way but this is just the beginning.  We would like to see the boycott of Coke's products going further into the community and our places of work.  By distributing information leaflets and posters about the campaign and encouraging others to become aware of just what this vile company is actually doing with its profits to our class around the world.
"We would request that people refuse to buy Coke products when they go shopping or when out socialising.

Feel free to browse this site and to contact us should the need arise

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