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This section is a quick access resource to some sites that I find useful. Over time this section will develop into a more comprehensive set of links covering topics and sites that prove beneficial to me in my work and everyday life..  
Hope you find something of interest!


The Press Association

The Paperboy


The Times

The Guardian

The Daily Telegraph

The Financial Times

The LondonEvening Standard

The New York Times

Le Monde

Washington Post


Channel 4

Computerweekly Updated every Thursday

Online - The Guardians's science and technology news




The Riley Guide

Manchester University Careers Service - CVPlus

The Monster Board




Libraries and Reference

Gabriel network of national libraries

British Library Catalogue

British Library

Library of Congress

National Library of Australia

Bibliotheque Nationale de France

National Library of Canada

Vancouver Public Library, Canada

UK Public Library Page

Public Record Office

Library Opacs in Higher Education

Copac Research Universities - growing Union catalogue of major university collections in the UK. At the moment includes the libraries of Cambridge, Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, London, Nottingham, Oxford and University College, London.

LibWeb - 1800 libraries in over 70 countries on 6 continents.

Manchester University: John Rylands Library

The Library Association

The Institute of Information Scientists
- Uk professional association for people involved in creating, retrieving, organising and disseminating information.

Aslib - Association of Information Management.

CTI - Centre for Library and Information Studies (CTILIS).

EARL - Electronic Access to Resources in Libraries.
elib - Electronic Libraries Programme.

Internet Resources on Library and Information Science- at Thomas Parry Library, Aberystwyth. A useful UK source on library matters.

Library Land - information sources for all aspects of librarianship, mostly American.

Librarian's Links - an American High School librarian's links.

UKOLN -UK Office for Library and Information Networking.

The UK Web Library - searchable (Dewey) classified catalogue of UK Web sites -Wolverhampton Web Library


Argus Clearinghouse

Bartlett's Familiar Quotes - passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources.

World Factbook - a comprehensive view of each country in the world through facts and statistics on such topics as population, the economy, government and also includes maps and flags.

The Niss Information Gateway

My Virtual Reference Desk - a constantly updated US site.

Bulletin Board for Libraries Subject Tree

Yellow Pages - guide to businesses, films and a lot more.


In January I will be doing an evening class in cookery for 8 weeks. The class' focus is on international cooking. Each week the group will prepare a meal from a different part of the world. With that in mind for those interested and for my own interest and enjoyment here are a list of links to some food and cookery sites on the web: - a site designed to raise the profile of English cuisine.
Helen's Internet Book of British Cooking - site contains hundreds of receipes, tips and articles about British cooking. A fine introduction to British cooking.
Fusion Cooking - culinary and cultural adventure and delight.
Diana's Gourmet Corner - a comprehensive collection of world cooking.


I like a wide variety of films, both Hollywood and European films. Some interesting links are listed below:

Filmunlimited - The Guardian's film website with reviews, interviews and articles on film.
Premiere Magazine - a french film magazine.

Other Interesting Sites

Oprah - advice and empowerment - live your best life.
Why people procrastinate


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