How to make Spellcheck REALLY Work for you

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Spelling and Grammar can make the Difference

Misspelled Words and improper grammar are sure to get you nowhere in the business world. Although a computer is not able to know exactly what you mean to say, it does have options that may help you avoid simple errors. Many people never customize their spellcheck and grammar options, and thus end up with multiple errors. This part of the tutorial will assume you have a document open, and show you how to adjust your settings for a proper document check. However, you must remember to always proofread. 1. Open Microsoft Word.

2. Click on file, and then new.

3. Open whatever file you would like before enabling the spellcheck settings.

4. Click on Tools, and then Spelling and Grammar.

5. Make sure the check grammar box is checked and then, click on options.

6. Now you must make the proper checks as to what you need checked each time you write a document. For business writing you should make the following settings as you see in the image below.

7. After you have made the proper option settings, click ok and follow the regular spellcheck and grammar settings. Be sure to click on the question mark image when you are not sure what one of their explanations means. Also, try to follow proper business writing formats as you will find listed on the links page. This will also help with success in your business writing.