How to use Letters for Business Writing

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Using a consistent look and flow to your documents will be the mark of your success. Your first step is to establish a template for all of your documents. Typically, you will need a memo, letter and fax template. Microsoft Word offers customized templates that will help you when you need to get something done fast, and concentrate on the content. Each template is processed and designed in the same fashion. This tutorial will show you how to create a letter template. After you set this up, creating a fax or memo template will follow the same similar steps.

Create your Letter Style

Letters will be your most common form of communication internally and externally. Microsoft offers multiple formats to use when creating a letter. Here are the steps to follow to set up your personal letter style. 1. Open Microsoft Word.

2. Click on file, and then new.

3. Click on templates where you will find various letters to choose from.

4. A screen will appear just as the one below, click on your letter choice. I will choose Professional letter for this tutorial.

5. Now you may fill in your own information to personalize your letters with your company and personal information.

6. Now you will go to File, Save As to save the template for fututre use.

7. Change the Save as Type to Document Template(*.dot), so you will now have a template for the future for any business letter.