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Rocket Refuge

Happy Valentine's Day! Sorry I've been so slack about updating things. It's been very busy and I've also been working hard on a Sailor Moon Page: Moon Fortress. I swear I'll get around to finishing this soon!

This is my page dedicated to Team Rocket who, I think, are the only reason Pokemon is worth watching (aside from that cute little Pikachu). Anyway, it is VERY new and there is still much to be done. So check back! "Rocket Dan yo Eien Ni!"

Note: All backgrounds (except for this Pikachu one) and buttons (not including links to other people's pages) were made by ME. I will be forced to be very unhappy with you if you take them. However, images in the disguise section or the Character info section are fair game. If you want to use an image from any of the other sections, email me for permission first. It took a very long time to scan them all, and I would like a little credit. My Art is strictly off limits for any web page use unless you ask me and I approve first or unless I sent it to you personally. Thanks! If you take something for your page, please link back to me. I have some banners for that purpose in the Links section.-N

Manga Images of Beloved Team Rocket
Team Rocket Anime Comic Scans
Random Team Rocket Stuff
James' Various Disguises
Character Info
My Team Rocket Art
Team Rocket Links
My adoptions
Awards this page has Won
