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L O O K I N G . B A C K
[ updates ]

11.16.02: + blog, new blog + pen layout
11.10.02: + blog
11.08.02: i did my own page layout! - watashi
11.4.02: i made a new splash page!
11.2.02: pop, listen, + blog
11.1.02: pop + blog - finally!
10.27.02: updated my blog (finally)
i will try to update my pop sections asap!

8.13.02: Thanks for everyone who emails me! I really do appreciate it. Well due to some requests and some time i squeezed in, I finished four more artists in the "Pop" section: Hitomi Yaida, Fly to the Sky, Fin.K.L, and To-Ya. Please do check them out. Until next time, ja ne~ (ahh school is in TWO DAYS!)

8.11.02: Four days before school starts and I'm still working on my website, haha! oh well =\. Check out my new Hitomi Yaida mini-page in the POP section! And look around; I keep updating things here and there. Ja ne~

8.7.02: irrashiamase! this is naresome - vs. II. FINALLY, eh? I decided to go for a new look; please let me know what you think of it. Im also redo-ing a lot of other pages, so look around and you might be surprised. enjoy!

8.4.02: I finally updated the POP section with singles and albums, but that was all. Hmm I need to come up with something interesting to add to this site? Any suggestions? haha I'm out of ideas!

6.04.02: Wow! I am so glad I finally understood FTP. I redid this whole site on Angelfire in 2 days! Yes, there are still banners, but they are now pop-ups and i have more bandwidth! Once again, I updated POP and some other pages here & there. Well, enjoyyyyyyy!

4.25.02: Welcome ! Just look around if you'd like...things about me and my likes and hobbies. Sorry about the banners you see old server shut down and was transferred to a new one. They're okay now, but the banners! hehe oh well, ENJOY!

3.08.02: wow. its been quite a while.
been quite busy lately. today i finally
updated my jpop stuff. ugh lost
its business, so a new company took over.
theyre pretty good except - have u
noticed?- the BANNER! ahh its killing me.
remember to visit my new site:
|light.speed| - all about apolo anton ohno!

12.21.01: WHOO-HOOOO!
No escuela para dos semanas!
And gosh i really needed this
break. I FINALLY updated again:
ayu, dai, elt, maaya, mai,
namie, SPEED, and boa to name
a few. Anyways, HAPPY

11.23.01: I've been soooo
bored lately Im always
online to fix my site..go to
my new :link me!: section!
Boredome lead to 10 new
buttons and banners..and oh
Yayy! Finally the big ONE-SIX!

11.20.01: I've forgotten
how fun it is to update and
work on my site! Finally I
added Do As Infinity and
The Brilliant Green to my
POP section. There are also more
of my fav artists. Check out
the pic gallery too! later~

11.19.01: I am sooooo
happy! We are finally out for a
week for Thanksgiving Break! I
finally updated a lot of JPOP pages;
Hikki, SPEED, and S#arp to name a
few. I'll be adding more lyrics
soon. *sigh* I need to watch more
anime too..too bad i have no mula
..anyways I'l catch you later!

10.21.01: Heyy again!
Once again school has prohibited me
from updating as much..but today i
finally did! I updated mostly my POP
section, including Boa, Ayu, Mai, S.E.S,
and ELT. And oh yeah! I was on, and MY SITE WAS LISTED!
hahaha sorry..I got really excited!

9.28.01: Whoaaaa It's been a
pretty looooong time, eh? I've been
pretty busy with school and all, but
I FINALLY updated. I've havent been
feeling very good lately..i just missed
like 3 days from school=(. Well today I
updated A LOT of the jpop stuff:
Ayu, Hikki, Namie, Mai and Every Little
Thing. Well, I'll bbl later then!

8.20.01: I have to
make this quick cuz I have to
go to a Student Council mtg soon.
Anyways I added more lyrics, my
new feature on my "listen" area.
Enjoy! If you have any suggestions,
feel free to email me !

8.19.01: Heyyy!
is finally up again! Today I updated
As One's discography and added a new
feature to the "listen" section.
Now there's lyrics! Well go see them
and enjoy! Oh yeah school already
started and I'll be busy most of the
time, but I'll still try to update.

8.14.01: Arg! School's
gonna start this Thursday for me
and I'm just glad I'm done with
everything I needed to get done...
so far. Once again I added 2
more anime reviews and more poems.
For the next days, I'll just be
updating here and there. So ENJOY!

8.13.01: Heyy there! Whoa,
now that I've finished everything in
less than 3 weeks, I feel...idle.
No more staying up late to finish a
page =\. I added new poems so check
them out! Once again
is messed up *grrr* so the galleries
will be down for the meantime. Remember
patience is a virtue! hehehe =D

8.10.01: Yayy! My page is
officially open...well its because
everything is up now! I finished my
anime reviews and added more midis.
For the next days I'll just be
adding things here and there.
Wow. I feel so accomplished!
Hope you enjoy NARESOME!

8.9.01: Konnichiwa mina-san!
Well I'm still working on my anime
stuff aka "obsessions". Also check
out the gallery...more pics! I also
added some more poems and music
stuff. Remember to sign my guestbook!
Anyways...ja ne!

8.8.01: Heyy! Today I kept
working on my anime "obsessions". I got
3 more pages up. Also I have to
update some pop
singles and stuff. Check them out!

8.7.01: Hey again! Yayy! is back up so i updated
the picture galleries. There's MANY new
pics there! Check them out! I worked on
my "obsessions" more, so the first four
series are up (Card Captor Sakura and
Escaflowne now). Don't forget to sign
my guestbook! Ja ne mina-san!

8.6.01: eee! something's wrong with! so if you go to
the pics, it might not work. i'm sooo
sorry for this. but at least I started on
my "obsessions"...only 2 pages so far.
but hey thats pretty good for one day! =P

8.3.01: Hey hey hey! I know it
seems that I haven't updated in
a while, but I have! I am now
officially done with everything
except my "obsessions". Dont' fret!
It'll be up reallly soon!

7.28.01: Whew~! I got most of my site now
except the "others". hehehe
The next few days I'll be focusing on
making my anime/pop/japan pages
and since my rents always get
pissed i "go on to much" it might
take a while =(. Hang in there!

7.27.01: Hey again. I finally made
the update and music pages again.
Now I have to start typing out ALL
those pages for my other sections.
Yayy we're gonna get a scanner
soon so I'll have more pics!

7.26.01: Konnichiwa again! eee I've been working on this page 24/7! I really want to finish it before school starts because then I'll have no time! Anyways I have most of my main pages up, but I have to start doing ALL those others from the POP/DREAMS/OBSESSION sections! Later!

7.25.01: ay nako! Its late again and I'm still working on this page =) I made the links page and "watashi" pages today and fixed my pic thingy. Whoa I'm really addicted to this. Once I've started I can't stop. eee I think I'm beginning to bug my family cuz I'm always online=)

7.24.01: konnchiwa mina-san! As you can tell, i'm finally making a personal page. Yup,after all those anime pages =).Anyways i'll be working on this for a know because I do seem to have all that extra "time" and "energy". Because this IS a personal probably won't be surprised at the content. *okashii* be prepared!

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