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Hancock' s Resolution                                                                           Visitors Welcome

Book Release

Hancock's Resolution
Two Hundred Years
and Counting

Edwin T. Calvert

Book Signings 
August 21 and September 19

Written by 10th generation descendent of the original Stephen Hancock, Edwin Calvert has spent a lifetime compiling a family history in words and photographs that pay tribute to his family legacy.
Hancock's Resolution Two Hundred Years and Counting will educate future generations about the hardworking people who settled Maryland.  The details of life on the farm, transportation of the time and the significance and importance of Hancock's Resolution to the watermen, farmers, and all  people of Anne Arundel County.  This book provides a written record of oral history that has been shared by generations of the Hancock family.

Book proceeds benefit historical preservation and continuing education through
Hancock's Resolution Foundation.

To order your copy of
Hancock's Resolution Two Hundred Years and Counting send check or money order of $18 made payable to Hancock's Resolution Foundation. Shipping and handling included.
Hancock Book
PO Box 8033
West Grove, PA 19390

Books are also available at the house and during featured book signings.

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