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    Hancock' s Resolution                                                                Visitors Welcome

"Living History" is the hands-on portrayal of historical life and events....costumed colonial docents at Colonial Williamsburg, Civil War battle reenactors, period craftsmen at Mount Vernon's colonial fair...all these and more are living historians. 

Hancock's Resolution is working to expand living history activities through a new partnership with "Ship's Company".  Ship's Company is an eighty member, all volunteer, living history group based in the Baltimore/DC/Annapolis triangle.  They do both c.1800 (1793-1815 usually, US Navy usually, but also Revolutionary War and British units and privateers as secondary impressions) and American Civil War (Union).

Ship's Company
has six groups:     
  - Circa 1800 Navy
  -1812 Marines
  - Civil War navy
  - Civil War Marines
  - Chanteymen
  - Boat Group   
  - 1812 Cavalry

The first two and last two groups, and eventually in cooperation with other local 1812 reenactment units, will work with Hancock's Resolution to gradually build an annual commemoration of the War of 1812 events at and near the site...built around the 24 August 1814 burning of schooner Lion in Bodkin Creek

Search for
the Lion

Ship's Company, besides approximately 45 members in the c.1800, shanty and boat groups and the 11 ton schooner previously mentioned,  have a reproduction 14-foot jollyboat (c. 1800) and a small black powder cannon. The boat group and c. 1800 teams are based in London Town (South River, Anne Arundel County), and the Civil War half is based on the Constellation in Baltimore. So, on August 23 & 24, 2003, Hancock Resolution's first annual "War of 1812 Weekend: The Burning of the American Schooner LION - Leading up to the Battle of Caulk's Field and the 1814 British Attack on Baltimore" living history event will be held.  A lot of research is underway to find out more about the Lion, Captain Francis Hancock, the local Maryland Militia and other Hancocks in it, the defenses of Baltimore on the northern Patapsco, and the activities near Bodkin's Point during the War of 1812.  If you are interested in looking into becoming a living historian (Seaman, Marine, or Civilian) of 1814 with Ship's Company and helping to educate the public while having a fun time, contact Ship's Company through their website.

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