Kira |
05/04/03 |
I was born on February 3rd to my wonderful parents Don and Ross. I was born on the Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. This is a picture of the hospital where I was born. Notice how I was born on an ocean. I think this is why I love the ocean and the beach so much!
I lived in Cuba for 6 months before my father was transferred to Newport, Rhode Island. We lived there for a year, and then moved to Wakefield, New Jersey for year, and then finally moved to Burke, Virginia. We lived in Burke for 4 years, and then moved 5 minutes down the road to the countryside of Clifton. .
I have one sister named Renee, who is married with two children. Currently, I am a Hospitality and Tourism Management major James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. I spent my first year and a half at Virginia Tech, and transferred to JMU this past summer after taking classes for a semester at Blue Ridge Community College. It took me a while to get to where I want to be in college, but all of the experiences I've had have made me into the great person I am today. While at Virginia Tech, I participated in the colonization of the Sigma Kappa Sorority. Although my time in my Sigma Kappa chapter at Virginia Tech was short, I value all of the experiences I had with it. I was the Continuing Member Chairman (Informal Rush Chair) our second semester as a chapter, and was given the opportunity to work with my sisters to plan rush events, which was an amazing experience. I also had the opportunity to visit our National Headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana for Collegiate Officer's Training School. I love Sigma Kappa and everything that it stands for. It will always be a part of me. My boyfriend Nat is quite possibly the best and funniest guy in the entire world. We have been dating for about 2 1/2 years and honestly he is my best friend. We met the summer after I graduated from high school while we were working in the fitness center of the Dulles Hilton in Herndon, Virginia. Nat is from Middleburg, which is about 30 minutes from where I live in Clifton. He also attends JMU, and is currently a senior majoring in English with a minor in Marketing. Nat is a member of the fraternity Sigma Nu. I am honored to have been chosen as the the Sigma Nu Sweetheart for the 2003- 2004 school year. When I graduate, I would like to work for a hotel or an event planning firm. I've thought about applying for the intense internship program that Ritz Carlton has after I have a few years of experience in the field. I have many interests, so I guess I'll just have to see what opportunities come my way!
This site was last updated 05/04/03