My Fantastic Friends
Nat and I at a brother date last fall.
Me & Michael Vick.
He was a friend of a friend of this girl that lived on my floor freshman year at VT. He showed up on our floor one night, and my roommate dragged me out of bed to meet him!!
Nat made this for one of his marketing classes. I love it.
On the left is my best friend Lindsey. She is graduating from Virginia Tech, and just recently got engaged!!! The other girl is Laura, her little sister in the Alpha Chi Omega Sorority.
This is my other best friend from Virginia Tech, Kristen.
My best friend, [the other] Kyra, and I with our matching letters!!
Larry, Nat, Davina, Dave, Dustin & Josh on the Commons last spring.
Jonas and Blair's wedding last August in Richmond.
Kristin, Caitlin, and I at the National Christmas Tree display, posing in front of the Virginia Tree
Dustin and Davina. Don't you love his mullet!
Me and my Tri Delt girls.
Me & the home girls on my 21st
Nat & Holly lookin' cool at BDubs. Cool rainbow scarf, Hot shades!
Nat & I before "A Night at the Oscars"
This site was last updated 05/04/03