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Family Photos

My nephew Ian, and my niece Molly.

Here we have Molly pretending to cut my dad's hair.  Notice the very unamused look on his face.

This is my mom and I at my initiation for Sigma Kappa

Here we have my sister Renee, her husband Todd, and Molly.


My parents, "Nana" & "Poppa" with Ian & Molly


Nat and Molly making scary lion faces......terrifying aren't they


This is my family at Ian's  Christening, plus my cousin Brendan next to my mom on the left, and the priest in the back.

Ian is honestly the cutest baby boy in the entire world

Molly is seriously my most favorite person in the entire world

This is Molly and I before my Homecoming Senior year of High School. 

It's My most favorite picture of us.


This site was last updated 05/04/03

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