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For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
STAND IN FAITH and find out why we believe that it is



How do I begin a relationship with God or know with certainty that I am secure with God?

Click on the link R U SAVED? and read the information on that page. If you know that you have done what is on that page feel secure that God is working in your life and that you are with God. Satan will try to cause you to doubt that you have a relationship with God as one of his first attacks. Because good and perfect things do not happen to you immediately does not mean that God is not with you or that you are not with God. The expectation of immediate change in your life to goodness is how he takes that from you. Remember it took years of ignoring God to cause the events in your life now to unfold and it takes time to undo all of the evil forces with a stronghold on you and claim victory over them.










Do I need to attend church? It is recommended that you attend services at your church as often as possible and meet with believers who are strong and mature in their faith. They will help you to learn the deeper mysteries of God's will for us and help direct you on your spiritual adventure. The Bible also says that you are not to forsake the gathering of the saints...meaning you as a believer should not be avoiding gathering with other believers. If a work schedule conflicts with church attendance try to attend services offered throughout the week or temporarily attend the services of a church that meets when you are available until you can either change schedules or change jobs to attend the church the God leads you to attend.










How do I select a church? The selection of a church should be done with much prayer and consideration. You should ask each pastor certain biblical questions that determine that you share the same beliefs and to satisfy yourself that you are being ministered to by a Christian Church and not a cult. You may have to try many churches and types of denominations before you find one that you feel comfortable in. Click Here for a listing of types of denominations and features of the doctrine and traditions typical of that denomination *no church should be judged by the list and many may be one denomination but have characteristics or traditions from other churches.*










What kind of Bible should I get? There are many kinds of would be surprised how many versions of the Bible exist. I personally use the Spirit Filled Life Bible by Nelson Publishing in the King James Version when I am preparing material for this site or for speaking engagements. It is a study Bible - meaning that it has notes with the text that provide teaching and reference to other scripture that confirm or continue the concept. I also use the Living Bible for night time devotions and check any scripture with the King James Version to make sure it is interpreted properly. I have in my bookcase many other versions - New King James Version - The Jerusalem Bible - The Good News Bible - The Schofield Bible - I am always looking for new versions. The reason I have many is to make it easy to learn about God. Much talk has been made lately of learning styles and the same applies to Bibles. Sometimes looking at a different translation opens your eyes to Bible truths that you would have missed entirely had you not read more than one version.










What should I do about my bad habits? Bad habits are not immediately resolved most of the time. God will make it easy for you to deal with some issues, but he make you do the work for others. The reason God does this is that you will meet other people as you mature in your faith walk that are where you are at right now. When that happens you will have a testimony of your journey to encourage others who are just starting on a seemingly impossible path. Other things you can do are: join a prayer group, find a prayer partner, make a known or anonymous (unspoken) request to a prayer list on this site or your church for your problem, your pastor will pray with you and it is not necessary to reveal your issue to the pastor to receive prayer. Don't ever forget that it took years to gain your bad habits, sometimes decades and even the most dedicated servant of God struggles with issues from time to time that they thought were long gone. Do not let yourself be discouraged ever...just start again and assume the last time was just a rehearsal. To learn more about prayer Click Here











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