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For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Pray with us and
STAND IN FAITH and find out why we believe that it is SUPER 2 KNOW JESUS!!!
Prayer List
Please follow the guidelines that we have in praying for those who are on our prayer list and for submitting your own prayer requests to be added to the ministry list. If you would like to add your prayer request to our list please click on the link to your left that says Online Submission Form and fill out all categories that apply to you. You may submit any testimonies, praise reports or request to be on our email list at the same time.
1) You must accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The people who are submitting these prayer requests are counting on Christian prayer partners to pray in agreement with them for their needs. If you are not saved and want to become a prayer partner please click on the link R U SAVED? and follow the instructions on that page.
2) You must come to the Lord and confess all sin and prepare your soul as a clean slate with no unforgiveness or anger for others present in your heart before beginning prayer.
3) You must pray in agreement with the Word of God (the Bible) and if you are a new Christian click on our Faith In Action link to get some text of prayers that will help you until you become closer to the Father and know how and what we should pray for.
4) Believe that the prayers that you are praying are already answered even and especially if you are not seeing any change in the circumstances.
5) If you submit a prayer request we ask that you pray faithfully for others who have done so as well.
Page was last updated 4/27/2002 6:56:05 PM
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