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For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Pray with us and
STAND IN FAITH and find out why we believe that it is SUPER 2 KNOW JESUS!!!
Online Submission Form

All information posted on the prayer list portion of this site is based on anonymous input from our viewers. We are not able to verify each submission due to the volume of requests. We will not post any request that appears to be false or malicious to an individual. We require that you provide an email address to confirm submissions that might have to be verified prior to posting. If there is not an email address to respond to, your request might not be posted. We reserve the right to change the submission code to a single initial and the state the request was submitted from to prevent people from engaging in gossip and malicious intent. If we change your code we will email you the new code to use if your request needs updating. We are not liable for the actions of any person who submits a request that is not genuine or attempts to injure the character of another. We assume that all submissions will be entered with Christian ideals and intent. Any request can be removed by filling out this form and indicating the reason for removal.
First Name
Last Name
State Click on the arrow and select your state
Zip Code
Phone Number Please include area code
E-mail Address
Any information submitted on this form is not distributed to anyone or sold to other parties as mailing lists. You are not required to fill in any portion of the form with information you do not want to reveal.

Type of Submission
Prayer List Submission I'm A New Christian
Join This Ministry Send Me Ministry Updates
Receive Email Newsletter* Update My Prayer Request
Submit Testimony Praise Report Submission
Other Submission Ministry Professional*
Select all that apply
* Email Newsletter is not available at this time but we can include your email address in our file and you will begin to receive them when they are available.
Ministry Professionals may elect to receive additional notifications from us concerning our speaking schedule and private encouragement toward your ministry goals. Click Here for details
Anonymous Identifier For Prayer List Submissions
All submissions to the prayer list contain a nick-name, initials, or other non-identifying code. We do not ever post the full name of a person in the list.
Abuse of this list will be reported to the proper authorities.
Submit Your Message

Yes No Do you want email confirmation we received your submission? (must provide email address)
Yes No May we contact you by email to see how you are doing?
Yes No Would you prayerfully consider a donation to this ministry?
Yes No Will you volunteer time for emergency prayer?* (must provide email address)
*Emergency prayer will notices arrive in email notifications for a specific need and will be in force for 24 hours from the time sent. Emergency requests are specifically for people who are in the hospital and/or near death. The person must need either miraculous healing, salvation, recovery from a devastating diagnosis or a peaceful quick release to join God in Heaven.

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What denomination is your church? (ie: Baptist, Pentecostal)
What is your age?
Do you have a ministry or other website? Yes No
If you do what is the web address?
Can we add your site to our links?* Yes No
*We review each submission request to our links page to ensure that the page reflects similar viewpoints to that of this ministry prior to inclusion on our links page.
Additional Comments
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Thank You For Your Submission!

Page was last updated 4/27/2002 6:56:05 PM
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