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Super 2 Know Jesus

Stand In Faith Devotionals - Twelve Eyed Monsters
Do you feel like everywhere you go you are chased by a 12-eyed monster that is making you miserable, making you behave miserably toward others, and stealing your Fruit of the Spirit...? All twelve hours of the clock you are tormented and chased just as the clock on this site chases the mouse cursor on screen....
Twelve-eyed monsters can be really tough to deal with, but Jesus gave us the tools to get rid of those pesky monsters that steal our peace and happiness.
The Bible makes many references to numerical values of various denominations, (7, 20, 50, many others have significant meaning) to indicate a variety of things, from associations to other situations to representations of God and His power.
The number twelve is used often in the Bible. There were 12 tribes of Judah, who selected 12 spies...God told Elijah in I Kings 18 : 30 to take twelve stones an repair an altar where thereafter a miraculous representation of the power of God then took place...
The vision of John in Revelation Chapter 21 of New Jerusalem indicates it is surrounded by 12 gates, guarded by 12 angels, the names of the 12 tribes were written on the gates, the walls had 12 foundation stones with the names of the 12 apostles of the Lamb, the walls were built on 12 layers of foundation stones inlaid with twelve types of gems... inside these walls are God and Jesus ready to rapture the saints. The number 12 represents our journey and arrival in Heaven.
To deal with our 12-eyed monster we are going to look at ... MORE>>
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Stand In Faith Devotionals

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